
In: Computer Science

Implement function noVowel() that takes a string s as input and returns True if no char-...

Implement function noVowel() that takes a string s as input and returns True if no char- acter in s is a vowel, and False otherwise (i.e., some character in s is a vowel). >>> noVowel('crypt') True >>> noVowel('cwm') True >>> noVowel('car') False

Implement function allEven() that takes a list of integers and returns True if all integers in the list are even, and False otherwise.

>>> allEven([8, 0, -2, 4, -6, 10])


>>> allEven([8, 0, -1, 4, -6, 10])



Expert Solution

def NoVowel(myStr):

#converting to uppercase


#iterating each char and checking it is vowel,than return false

for x in myStr:

if x=='A' or x=='E' or x=='I' or x=='O' or x=='U':

return False

return True



Answer 2:

def allEven(myList):

for x in myList:

#converting negatives into positive

if x<0:


#checking if any value is odd than return false

if x % 2==1:

return False

return True

print(allEven([8, 0, -2, 4, -6, 10]))

print(allEven([8, 0, -1, 4, -6, 10]))

Note : If you like my answer please rate and help me it is very Imp for me

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