In: Computer Science
Imagine you have a rotary combination lock with many dials. Each dial has the digits 0 - 9. At any point in time, one digit from each dial is visible.
Each dial can be rotated up or down. For some dial, if a 4 is currently visible then rotating the dial up would make 5 visible; rotating the dial down would make 3 visible. When 0 is the visible digit then rotating down would make 9 visible. Similarly, when 9 is visible then rotating up would make 0 visible.
We have devised a robotic finger to manipulate such combination systems. The robotic finger takes as input a String that indicates the operations to be performed. An L moves the finger one dial to the left, an R moves the finger one dial to the right, and a + rotates the dial that the finger is at up and a - rotates the dial that the finger is at down.
The robotic finger always starts at the leftmost dial.
Task 1: Basic Operations
Valid Sequence
Given a String that consists of (only) the characters L, R, + and -, determine if this String represents a valid sequence of operations.
A valid sequence of operations would not move the finger to the left of the leftmost dial or to the right of the rightmost dial.
public boolean validOperation(String ops, int numDials) {
Given a sequence of operations in String form, as well as an initial arrangement of the dials, determine the digits that will be visible after the operations have been performed.
public int[] rotate(int[] initialState, String ops) {
Task 2: Finding Rotation Sequences
Given an initial state of the dials and a final state, return a String that represents a sequence of operations of shortest length that transforms the initial state to the final state.
public String getRotationSequence(int[] initialState, int[] newState) {
@Test public void testValidOp1() { RoboticFinger rf = new RoboticFinger(); assertTrue(rf.validOperation("R++L++-RRR", 4)); } @Test public void testValidOp2() { RoboticFinger rf = new RoboticFinger(); assertTrue(!rf.validOperation("R++L++-RRR", 3)); } @Test public void testValidOp3() { RoboticFinger rf = new RoboticFinger(); assertTrue(!rf.validOperation("L-+R++RR", 10)); } @Test public void testValidOp4() { RoboticFinger rf = new RoboticFinger(); assertTrue(!rf.validOperation("RRR+-R+R+LL", 4)); } @Test public void testValidOp5() { RoboticFinger rf = new RoboticFinger(); assertTrue(rf.validOperation("RRR+-R+R+LL", 6)); } @Test public void testRotate1() { RoboticFinger rf = new RoboticFinger(); int[] initialState = {1, 2, 4, 4, 5}; String ops = "R++R-"; int[] expectedState = {1, 4, 3, 4, 5}; assertArrayEquals(expectedState, rf.rotate(initialState, ops)); } @Test public void testRotate2() { RoboticFinger rf = new RoboticFinger(); int[] initialState = {1, 2, 4, 4, 5}; String ops = "R++R-R-L++"; int[] expectedState = {1, 4, 5, 3, 5}; assertArrayEquals(expectedState, rf.rotate(initialState, ops)); } @Test public void testRotate3() { RoboticFinger rf = new RoboticFinger(); int[] initialState = {7, 0, 2, 9, 1, 5, 6}; String ops = "R-R++R+++R+RR--"; int[] expectedState = {7, 9, 4, 2, 2, 5, 4}; assertArrayEquals(expectedState, rf.rotate(initialState, ops)); }
@Test public void testGetRotationSequence1() { RoboticFinger rf = new RoboticFinger(); int[] initialState = {1, 2, 4, 4, 4, 7}; int[] finalState = {2, 7, 3, 4, 8, 9}; int expectedLength = "+R+++++R-RR++++R++".length(); String ops = rf.getRotationSequence(initialState, finalState); assertArrayEquals(finalState, rf.rotate(initialState, ops)); assertEquals(expectedLength, ops.length()); } @Test public void testGetRotationSequence2() { RoboticFinger rf = new RoboticFinger(); int[] initialState = {9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 1}; int[] finalState = {2, 7, 3, 4, 8, 9, 2}; int expectedLength = 22; String ops = rf.getRotationSequence(initialState, finalState); assertArrayEquals(finalState, rf.rotate(initialState, ops)); assertEquals(expectedLength, ops.length()); } @Test public void testGetRotationSequence3() { RoboticFinger rf = new RoboticFinger(); int[] initialState = {5}; int[] finalState = {7}; int expectedLength = 2; String ops = rf.getRotationSequence(initialState, finalState); assertArrayEquals(finalState, rf.rotate(initialState, ops)); assertEquals(expectedLength, ops.length()); }
import java.util.Arrays;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// object to run tests on
Robot robot = new Robot();
// task 1
int[] initialState = {7, 0, 2, 9, 1, 5, 6};
String ops = "R-R++R+++R+RR--";
int[] expectedState = {7, 9, 4, 2, 2, 5, 4};
int[] finalState = robot.rotate(initialState, ops);
assert Arrays.equals(expectedState, finalState) : "task 1 failed";
// task 2
int[] initialState = {1, 2, 4, 4, 4, 7};
int[] finalState = {2, 7, 3, 4, 8, 9};
int expectedLength = "+R+++++R-RR++++R++".length();
String rotationSequence = robot.getRotationSequence(initialState, finalState);
assert expectedLength == rotationSequence.length() : "task 2 failed";
public class Robot {
* Determine the digits that will be visible after the operations have been performed
* @param initialState represents the state of the combination dials and {@code 0 <= initialState[i] <= 9} for all {@code 0 <= i < initialState.length}.
* @param ops represents the operations to perform and only contains the characters 'L', 'R', '+' and '-' or {@code ops} is empty
* @return the new state
public int[] rotate(int[] initialState, String ops) {
int[] finalState = initialState.clone(); // copy of initialState that will be modified and returned
int stateID = 0; // position of robotic finger
for(int opsID = 0; opsID < ops.length(); ++opsID) {
char character = ops.charAt(opsID);
switch(character) {
case 'L':
--stateID; // moving left
case 'R':
++stateID; // moving right
case '+':
finalState[stateID] = (finalState[stateID] + 1) % 10; // dialing up
case '-':
finalState[stateID] = (finalState[stateID] + 9) % 10; // dialing down
return finalState;
* Transform the initial state to a given new state using the shortest sequence of operations
* @param initialState represents the initial state of the dials, and {@code 0 < initialState.length <= 10}, and {@code 0 <= initialState[i] <= 9} for all {@code 0 <= i < initialState.length}.
* @param newState represents the new (desired) state of the dials, and {@code 0 < initialState.length <= 10}, and {@code 0 <= initialState[i] <= 9} for all {@code 0 <= i < initialState.length}. Also {@code newState.length() == initialState.length()}.
* @return a representation of a shortest operation sequence that ensures that the initial state is transformed to the new state.
public String getRotationSequence(int[] initialState, int[] newState) {
StringBuilder rotationSequence = new StringBuilder(); // to store the rotation sequence
for(int stateID = 0; stateID < initialState.length; ++stateID) {
int initialValue = initialState[stateID];
int newValue = newState[stateID];
int dialUpDistance = (newValue < initialValue ? newValue + 10 : newValue) - initialValue; // number of dial ups needed at this position
int dialDownDistance = initialValue - (newValue > initialValue ? newValue - 10 : newValue); // number of dial downs needed at this position
// appending the moves with the minimum length
if(dialUpDistance <= dialDownDistance) {
rotationSequence.append(new String(new char[dialUpDistance]).replace("\0", "+"));
} else {
rotationSequence.append(new String(new char[dialDownDistance]).replace("\0", "-"));
// moves right
// removing "R"s from the end if any
while(rotationSequence.length() > 0 && rotationSequence.charAt(rotationSequence.length() - 1) == 'R') {
rotationSequence.deleteCharAt(rotationSequence.length() - 1);
return rotationSequence.toString();