6. Solution for the problem is provided below, please
comment if any doubts:
Positioning commands in CSS:
- Static: No offsets can be specified in case of
static positioning command. The element will be placed according to
the flow of the web page. Even if the offsets are set for static
positioning, the effect will not take place. Thus offset can’t be
specified in static command mode.
- Relative: It is a positioning command used to
place the elements relative to the normal position. Thus offsets
can be specified for the relative positioning command. Thus offset
can be specified in relative command mode.
- Absolute: The absolute positioning command is
used to place the elements in relative to the positioned element
nearby. If no such previous entry is there the document body will
be used for positioning. Thus offset can be specified in absolute
command mode.
- Static: No offsets can be specified with this
command so there is no question where the offset values measured
- Relative: The offset value will be measured
from normal position.
- Absolute: The absolute position command
measures the offset from previously placed element.