In: Operations Management
Threats are made against the nation and pose a security risk, every day, but the public is not always aware of these threats. For this week’s discussion question respond to the following prompts:
In my opinion, as a regulatory and supervisory body it is not ethical for the government to hold such sensitive information from private citizens because it can result in producing more severe consequences specially when those cyber attacks have the potential of affecting the citizens both directly or indirectly. Citizens have full right to be aware and cognizant of any cyber attacks against the nation because ignorance about the same might not help in taking individualised steps in curbing it or atleast preventing it from negatively influencing them. Citizens have the right to be aware of such knowledge so that they can assure their own security and remain alert for taking necessary provisions whenever the threat might escalate. So even if the intend of government is to prevent chaos and confusion among the citizens, it is its duty to stay transparent regarding any matter or issue with the public especially when it might act as a threat to citizens. Information regarding these possible security threats can help in encouraging citizens of nation to be aler, equipped and prepared to respond to such incidents effectively.
If citizens were aware of all the potential cyber attacks made against the nation, they might get overwhelmed about the possible consequences of such risks and might feel unsafe, watched or insecure regarding the technological platforms where their data is stored and constantly used. They will start assessing the likely impact of these risks on them and might undertake steps or activities that will undermine or disrupt the process of government to protect them and thus building continuous tension and chaos in the nation. This might result in individuals filing lawsuits against the agencies or international organisations which might be suspected as a source for such attacks. The increased visibility and awareness regarding these attacks might make citizens vulnerable to be targeted openly by bodies and suspects involved in such malpractices thus further increasing the threat to the nation. It will result in trust issues and citizens might not be agreeable for sharing any essential or required information with the government or on the internet with the fear and insecurity putting drastic impact on the proper functioning of operations of nation.
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