Think about the concepts of risk and return in the context of
the size of a firm. Would these change if the firm were large?
Small? Medium-sized? Why or why not?
Answer= Yes, the size of firms effect the risk and return of the
firms Because
- Market capitalization and firm size and the relationship with
risk and return are based on financial theory.
- According to the financial theory ,market capitalization is
present value of future cash flow.
- Cash flow and firm size is foundation for market
- firm size have positive effect on profit and return because if
firm size will increase chance of profitability will also
- firm total assets have negative effect on profitability because
if firms assets will increase firms liabilities also will
- return is related to the firm size so larger the firms larger
it profit and return and smaller the firm smaller its profit as
compare to large size firms.
- there is correlation between increase in firm size in term of
revenue and increase in profit but if increase the firm size in
term of employee then weak correlation and decrease in