In: Computer Science
CS 400 Assignment 4 Stack application: postfix expression evaluation. Description: - The stack data structure can be used to evaluate postfix expressions. Please refer to the first 14 pages of this tutorial for postfix expression evaluation: Requirement: - deal with single digit positive integers only. Operands and operators are fully separated by space. - learn and use STL stack: - learn and use isdigit(): - take in a postfix arithmetic expression from cin, and evaluate its value. - supported operators: +, -, *, / - for invalid postfix expression, print out an error message and end the program. - output the evaluated value of valid expressions. Example1: - (valid expr) 4 3 - 5 * -- push 4 into stack -- push 3 into stack -- minus operator (-) detected: pop 3 out of stack, as operand_2 -- pop 4 out of stack, as operand_1 -- perform operand_1 minus operand_2, then push the result (1) into stack. -- push 5 into stack -- multiply operator (*) detected: pop 5 out of stack, as operand_2 -- pop 1 out of stack, as operand_1 -- perform operand_1 times operand_2, then push the result (5) into stack. -- input done. check stack value... output final answer: 5 Example2: - (invalid expr) 4 4 3 - 5 * is invalid since the stack will have two numbers inside it. - (invalid expr) 4 5 5 - / is invalid due to the divide-by-zero error. Grading: - compilable and meaningful attemps: 20 points. - correct usage of STL stack: 20 points, including object creation, push(), top() and pop(). - correct postfix expression evaluation: 30 points. - error handling: 20 points, including divide-by-zero error and invalid expression error - comments, file_name and indentation: 10 points. File_name: postfix_eval.cpp
// C++ program to evaluate postfix expression consisting of single digit positive integer and
// operators and operands are fully separated by space
#include <iostream>
#include <stack>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string postfix_exp;
stack<int> st;
cout<<"Program to evaluate postfix expression(consisting of single digit positive integers only and Operands and operators are fully separated by space. ) "<<endl;
// input of postfix expression
cout<<"Enter the postfix expression : ";
postfix_exp = postfix_exp.substr(0,postfix_exp.length()-1); // remove '\n' from end
// loop over the expression
for(unsigned int i=0;i<postfix_exp.length();i++)
// check if the character is a digit, then push the int to the stack
st.push((int)(postfix_exp[i]-'0')); // convert the char to int and push it to stack
else if(!isspace(postfix_exp[i])) // if the character is not a space
int n1, n2;
// check if stack is empty, then print error and exit
cout<<"ERROR: Invalid expression "<<endl;
return 1;
// if stack is not empty, remove and assign the top element to n2
n2 =;
// check if stack is empty, then print error and exit
cout<<"ERROR: Invalid expression "<<endl;
return 1;
// if stack is not empty, remove and assign the top element to n1
n1 =;
// check the operator
if(postfix_exp[i] == '+') // addition
st.push(n1+n2); // perform addition and push the result back to stack
else if(postfix_exp[i] == '-') // subtraction
st.push(n1-n2); // perform n1-n2 and push the result back to stack
else if(postfix_exp[i] == '*') // multiplication
st.push(n1*n2); // perform multiplication and push the result back to stack
else if(postfix_exp[i] == '/') // division
// check if n2 is not zero, then perform n1/n2 and push the result back to stack
if(n2 != 0)
else // if n2 is 0, print error and exit
cout<<"ERROR: division by zero "<<endl;
return 1;
}else // if any other character found, print error and exit
cout<<"ERROR: Invalid operator "<<endl;
return 1;
// if stack is empty after scanning the entire expression, print error and exit
cout<<"ERROR: Invalid expression "<<endl;
// get the result from top of stack
int result =;
st.pop(); // remove the result from top
// if stack is non-empty after getting the result, print error and exit else print result
cout<<"Result : "<<result<<endl;
cout<<"ERROR: Invalid expression "<<endl;
return 0;
//end of program