
In: Computer Science

C++ PROGRAM (Pointers and char arrays) IMPORTANT NOTES: 1. CHAR ARRAY MUST BE USED. 2. YOU...

C++ PROGRAM (Pointers and char arrays)






Write a C++ program that modifies a null teminated char array as follows:

Consonants are positioned at the beginning of the string and vowels are moved to the end of the string.

Example :

Original string : density

New string : dnstyei


Expert Solution



#include <iostream>     /* for cout , cin objects */

#include <cstring>      /* for strcpy() function */

using namespace std;

int main() {

    /* taking input from user */

    string input;

    cout << "Original string: ";

    cin >> input;


    /* creating a character array using pointers to store the input */

    char * original_str = new char[input.size()];


    /* storing the input into character array */

    strcpy(original_str, input.c_str());


    int len = input.size();


    /* temporary array to store vowels positions in the array */

    bool temp[len];


    /* to hold the count of number of vowels */

    int num_vowels = 0;

    /* traversing character array to mark vowel positions and to count

     * number of vowels */

    for ( int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {

        switch(*(original_str + i)) {

            case 'a':

            case 'e':

            case 'i':

            case 'o':

            case 'u':

            case 'A':

            case 'E':

            case 'I':

            case 'O':

            case 'U':


                /* mark vowel position */

                temp[i] = true;


                /* increment the vowel count */






                temp[i] = false;





    int index = 0;


    /* separates vowels by moving them to the end of the string */

    while (num_vowels) {

        if (temp[index] == true) {


            /* checking the second character in a swap is vowel or not */

            if (temp[len-num_vowels] != true) {

                /* as it is not vowel, un-mark the position,

                   so that in next traversal, it will be ignored */

                temp[index] = false;   


            else {

                /* as it is a vowel, keep the mark of second character's position*/

                /* and unmark the position of first character in a swap */

                temp[len-num_vowels] = false;



            /* swapping vowel character to the end character position */

            char curr_char = *(original_str + (len-num_vowels));

            *(original_str + (len-num_vowels)) = *(original_str + index);

             *(original_str + index) = curr_char;





        /* incrementing the index */

        index = (index + 1) % len;



    /* printing the new string */

    cout << "New string: " << original_str << endl;


    /* freeing the allocated heap memory */

    delete original_str;



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