In: Computer Science
Add a 1- to 2-page section to your Playbook/Runbook. Create a prescriptive section of your playbook providing guidelines to secure each of these areas: Network connections Mobile devices Cloud services
The security of the equipment is important when it comes to network, cloud, and mobile because the last thing any organization wants is to lose data due to unsecured network or equipment that requires some sort security to keep data safe.
There have to be guidelines established that can provide a point of reference to employees to use when they are working to secure network connection, mobile devices, and cloud services. Now, trying to maintain a secure network for a small business or home, does require time and some energy.
Our first order of business of having a secured network is to access the organization’s router and make changes to the settings to achieve a secure connection to the network. When we look at the router, it is the outermost security gate or first line of defense, since its task is to forward IPpackets to the networks that it is connected to (Meier, Mackman, Dunner, Vasireddy, Escamilla &Murukan, 2003).
There are certain measures we can take to achieve this
task and the first one is administrative access and this is where
we would decide, which interface and ports should administration
connection will be allowed from and which network or host the is to
be performed and in addition to this, we should also disable unused
interfaces, come up with password policy outlining the requirements
needed to generate a password, the use of static routes, etc
(Meier, Mackman, Dunner, Vasireddy, Escamilla & Murukan,