In: Physics
A. Electronic devices are components for controlling the flow of electrical currents for the purpose of information processing and system control. Prominent examples include transistors and diodes. Electronic devices are usually small and can be grouped together into packages called integrated circuits. This miniaturization is central to the modern electronics boom.
Transistor - They are generally used as current control devices like in Bipolar Junction Transistor or a voltage control device as in Field Effect Transistors. This flow regulation is used in Amplifiers, radios. and in microchips. Essentially they are based on the principles of a diode.
Sometimes it is also used as a switch.
Off- Cutoff region
On - Saturation Region
Diode- This device is used as a normal switch. If in forward bias it is in on state and allows current flow. In off state it stops current flow. It is basic device for all types of ICs And other electronic devices.
Capacitor- This is used as a charge storage device. It gets charged and acts as a source of potential difference.
Resistor- This device inhibits the flow of electric current through a device. This current is governed by the ohm's law. This device is essential component for preventing devices from being damaged from the excess current flow.
ICs- These are a huge group of transitor embedded into one to manifest various gates in the circuit and form an essential component of digital circuitry.