In: Psychology
A recent article published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, indicated that about one-fifth of the pollution in China spews into the atmosphere and crosses the Pacific in about 6 days and increases smog levels in the United States. Los Angeles and parts of the eastern U.S. experienced at least one extra day of smog that exceeded federal health standards for ozone in 2006 as a result of emissions from export manufacturing in China.
Explain how people living in the U.S. contribute to this pollution.
Identify actions that can be done, both at the individual and political levels, to reduce or prevent the air pollution.
Are you or someone you know susceptible to upper respiratory problems or infections (i.e. bronchitis, asthma, etc.)? Describe a typical episode and what exacerbates the infection? Do you feel that your respiratory infection is related to poor indoor/outdoor air quality? If so, explain why you believe it’s due to the poor air quality.
Air pollution occurs when harmful substances consisting of gases, particulates , chemicals and other biological materials are emitted to earths atmosphere. It causes allergies , infections, organ failures, behavioural problem cancer, premature death and also causes adverse affects in ecosystem. The cities in caliufornia has the worst air quality . In 2006 air pollutants such as sulpher dioxide and black carbons are propelled by strong winds from china to western costs of united states . This lead to an increase in air pollution in united states. In united states mobile sources such as cars, buses, planes, trucks, trins etc and stationary sources such as power plants, oil refinaries, industrial wastes and factory wastes made the situation worse. A serious health condition that is caused by air pollution is respiratory tract infection.
As the respiratory tract infection is viral in nature and some times it is caused by bacterial infections it is very much clear about the role of air pollution in this. Over crowding, passive smoking and air pollutions and unhyeginic conditions can exacerbate the condition.
How to reduce air pollution?
some tips can be used at individual level in every day life to reduce air pollution. they are
Even though laws such as clean air act was effective to some extent ,at a political or social level more effective air quality laws must be implemented inorder to reduce air pollution. Strict rules to ban certain products such as plastics , ciggarates etsc must be implemented.