
In: Computer Science

Write the Flowchart for the following programming problem based on the pseudocode below. Last year, a...

Write the Flowchart for the following programming problem based on the pseudocode below.

Last year, a local college implemented rooftop gardens as a way to promote energy efficiency and save money. Write a program that will allow the user to enter the energy bills from January to December for the year prior to going green. Next, allow the user to enter the energy bills from January to December of the past year after going green. The program should calculate the energy difference from the two years and display the two years’ worth of data, along with the savings.

Hints: Create three arrays of size 12 each. The first array will store the first year of energy costs, the second array will store the second year after going green, and the third array will store the difference. Also, create a string array that stores the month names. These variables might be defined as follows:

notGreenCost = [0] * 12

goneGreenCost = [0] * 12

savings = [0] * 12

months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']


Your sample output might look as follows:

Enter NOT GREEN energy costs for January

Enter now -->789

Enter NOT GREEN energy costs for February

Enter now -->790

Enter NOT GREEN energy costs for March

Enter now -->890

Enter NOT GREEN energy costs for April

Enter now -->773

Enter NOT GREEN energy costs for May

Enter now -->723

Enter NOT GREEN energy costs for June

Enter now -->759

Enter NOT GREEN energy costs for July

Enter now -->690

Enter NOT GREEN energy costs for August

Enter now -->681

Enter NOT GREEN energy costs for September

Enter now -->782

Enter NOT GREEN energy costs for October

Enter now -->791

Enter NOT GREEN energy costs for November

Enter now -->898

Enter NOT GREEN energy costs for December

Enter now -->923


Enter GONE GREEN energy costs for January

Enter now -->546

Enter GONE GREEN energy costs for February

Enter now -->536

Enter GONE GREEN energy costs for March

Enter now -->519

Enter GONE GREEN energy costs for April

Enter now -->493

Enter GONE GREEN energy costs for May

Enter now -->472

Enter GONE GREEN energy costs for June

Enter now -->432

Enter GONE GREEN energy costs for July

Enter now -->347

Enter GONE GREEN energy costs for August

Enter now -->318

Enter GONE GREEN energy costs for September

Enter now -->453

Enter GONE GREEN energy costs for October

Enter now -->489

Enter GONE GREEN energy costs for November

Enter now -->439

Enter GONE GREEN energy costs for December

Enter now -->516






$ 243          $ 789          $ 546           January

$ 254          $ 790          $ 536           February

$ 371          $ 890          $ 519           March

$ 280          $ 773          $ 493           April

$ 251          $ 723          $ 472           May

$ 327          $ 759          $ 432           June

$ 343          $ 690          $ 347           July

$ 363          $ 681          $ 318           August

$ 329          $ 782          $ 453           September

$ 302         $ 791          $ 489           October

$ 459          $ 898          $ 439           November

$ 407          $ 923          $ 516           December

Do you want to end program? (Enter no or yes): yes

The Pseudocode

Module main()

            //Declare local variables

            Declare endProgram = “no”

            While endProgram == “no”

                        Declare Real notGreenCost[12]

                        Declare Real goneGreenCost[12]

                        Declare Real savings[12]

Declare String months[12] = “January”, “February”, “March”, “April”, “May”, “June”, “July”, “August”, “September”, “October”, “November”, “December”

                          //function calls

                        getNotGreen(notGreenCost, months)

                        getGoneGreen(goneGreenCost, months)

                        energySaved(notGreenCost, goneGreenCosts, savings)

                        displayInfo(notGreenCost, goneGreenCosts, savings, months)


                        Display “Do you want to end the program? Yes or no”

                        Input endProgram

            End While

End Module

Module getNotGreen(Real notGreenCost[], String months[])

            Set counter = 0

            While counter < 12

                        Display “Enter NOT GREEN energy costs for”, months[counter]

                        Input notGreenCosts[counter]

                        Set counter = counter + 1

            End While       

End Module

Module getGoneGreen(Real goneGreenCost[], String months[])

            Set counter = 0

            While counter < 12

                        Display “Enter GONE GREEN energy costs for”, months[counter]

                        Input goneGreenCosts[counter]

                        Set counter = counter + 1

            End While       

End Module

Module energySaved(Real notGreenCost[], Real goneGreenCost[], Real savings[])

            Set counter = 0

            While counter < 12

                        Set savings[counter] = notGreenCost[counter] – goneGreenCost[counter]

                        Set counter = counter + 1

            End While

End Module

Module displayInfo(Real notGreenCost[], Real goneGreenCost[], Real savings[], String months[])

            Set counter = 0

            While counter < 12

                        Display “Information for”, months[counter]

                        Display “Savings $”, savings[counter]

                        Display “Not Green Costs $”, notGreenCost[counter]

                        Display “Gone Green Costs $”, goneGreenCost[counter]

            End While

End Module


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