
In: Statistics and Probability

Problem 1: USING STATPRO slice the data 3 ways As the midwest regional manager of a...

Problem 1: USING STATPRO slice the data 3 ways

As the midwest regional manager of a chain of Heavenly Grill Restaurant, it is your responsibility to come up with the beer selections for the 50 restaurants under your management. It has been the policy of Heavenly Grill Restaurant to let each regional manager selects the beer offerings that are most appropriate for the region. However, the main office requires all regional managers to submit an annual report describing the beer offerings for their respective regions.

In the past year, you have selected 69 different beers for the drink menu. Your assistant has compiled the following information for the 69 choices:

Cost ($) The cost of a six-pack of 12-ounce bottles
Calories Calories per 12 fluid ounces
% of Alcohol Percentage of alcohol content
Type There are 5 different types of beer
City of Origin The beer is either from U.S. or imported

Since this is your first year on the job, you need to first determine what is the best way to "describe" the beer offerings in the midwest region. However, you consider this as a rite of passage so you are "too proud" to ask the other regional managers for assistance on how to prepare the report.

How would you describe the beer offerings in the midwest region? Based on your  prelimanary analysis, how would you "describe" the Heavenly Grill's midwest beer choices?

HINT: Keep in mind that you should look at different ways to "slice" the data.

Brand Cost ($) Calories % of Alcohol Type Cty of Origin
BrooklynBrand 6.24 159 5.2 Craft lagers U.S.
Leinenkugel'sRed 4.79 160 5.0 Craft lagers U.S.
SamuelAdamsBoston 5.96 160 4.9 Craft lagers U.S.
GeorgeKillian'sIrishRed 4.70 162 4.9 Craft lagers U.S.
RedWolf 4.11 157 5.5 Craft lagers U.S.
HenryWeinhard'sPrivateRes. 3.85 151 4.9 Craft lagers U.S.
Sterling 2.52 155 4.7 Craft lagers U.S.
Legacy 5.46 135 5.1 Craft lagers U.S.
Dominion 6.00 162 5.4 Craft lagers U.S.
LoneStar 3.71 142 4.8 Craft lagers U.S.
AbitaAmber 6.70 146 4.4 Craft lagers U.S.
YuenglingPremium 4.99 148 4.3 Craft lagers U.S.
BerghoffOriginal 4.10 170 5.1 Craft lagers U.S.
SamuelAdamsBoston 5.96 160 5.0 Craft ales U.S.
SierraNevadaPale 6.31 172 5.8 Craft ales U.S.
FullSailAmber 6.42 170 5.9 Craft ales U.S.
Liberty 7.79 184 6.0 Craft ales U.S.
ElkMountainAmber 5.05 201 5.6 Craft ales U.S.
CelisPaleBock 5.26 155 4.7 Craft ales U.S.
Pete'sWicked 5.84 170 5.3 Craft ales U.S.
AnchorSteam 7.22 158 4.9 Craft ales U.S.
DockStreetAmber 6.12 159 5.4 Craft ales U.S.
Bass 7.37 150 5.1 Craft ales Imported
RedhookESB 6.47 177 5.6 Craft ales U.S.
NewAmsterdamNewYork 6.72 146 3.7 Craft ales U.S.
CatamountAmber 7.59 151 4.9 Craft ales U.S.
RedNectar 6.36 163 5.3 Craft ales U.S.
OldDetroitAmber 6.52 186 5.9 Craft ales U.S.
BridgePortBlueHeronPale 6.34 168 5.9 Craft ales U.S.
Geary'sPale 7.10 142 4.7 Craft ales U.S.
MolsonGolden 4.78 148 5.0 Imported largers Imported
LabattBlue 4.63 150 5.0 Imported largers Imported
Foster's 5.41 140 5.0 Imported largers Imported
Kirin 6.39 150 5.0 Imported largers Imported
DosEquis 5.52 160 4.8 Imported largers Imported
Heineken 6.38 160 5.0 Imported largers Imported
CoronaExtra 5.68 148 4.6 Imported largers Imported
St.PauliGirl 5.82 148 4.9 Imported largers Imported
Beck's 5.83 148 4.3 Imported largers Imported
PilsnerUrquell 7.80 160 4.1 Imported largers Imported
OldMilwaukee 2.82 145 4.5 Regular and ice beers U.S.
Stroh's 3.20 142 4.4 Regular and ice beers U.S.
RedDog 3.83 147 5.0 Regular and ice beers U.S.
Budweiser 4.02 148 4.9 Regular and ice beers U.S.
Icehouse 3.88 149 5.5 Regular and ice beers U.S.
MolsonIce 4.79 155 5.6 Regular and ice beers Imported
Michelob 4.00 159 5.0 Regular and ice beers U.S.
BudIce 3.95 148 5.5 Regular and ice beers U.S.
Busch 3.27 143 4.9 Regular and ice beers U.S.
CoorsOriginal 4.02 137 4.6 Regular and ice beers U.S.
GeneseeCreamAle 3.26 153 4.6 Regular and ice beers U.S.
MillerHighLife 3.19 143 5.0 Regular and ice beers U.S.
PabstBlueRibbon 2.90 144 4.7 Regular and ice beers U.S.
Milwaukee'sBest 2.36 133 4.6 Regular and ice beers U.S.
MillerGenuineDraft 3.93 143 5.0 Regular and ice beers U.S.
RollingRock 4.25 143 4.6 Regular and ice beers U.S.
MichelobLight 4.03 134 4.3 Light and nonalcoholic beers U.S.
BudLight 4.02 110 4.2 Light and nonalcoholic beers U.S.
NaturalLight 2.86 110 4.2 Light and nonalcoholic beers U.S.
CoorsLight 4.03 105 4.2 Light and nonalcoholic beers U.S.
MillerLite 4.02 96 4.5 Light and nonalcoholic beers U.S.
AmstelLight 6.49 95 3.6 Light and nonalcoholic beers Imported
Sharp's 3.24 58 0.0 Light and nonalcoholic beers U.S.
CoorsCutter 3.60 82 0.0 Light and nonalcoholic beers U.S.
Kingsbury 2.99 60 0.0 Light and nonalcoholic beers U.S.
OldMilwaukee 2.75 72 0.0 Light and nonalcoholic beers U.S.
O'Doul's 3.90 70 0.0 Light and nonalcoholic beers U.S.
Kaliber 5.42 71 0.0 Light and nonalcoholic beers Imported
Clausthaler 5.63 96 0.0 Light and nonalcoholic beers Imported


Expert Solution

There are 5 different types of beer:

Craft lagers = 1

Craft ales = 2

Imported largers = 3

Regular and ice beers = 4

Light and nonalcoholic beers = 4

The beer is either from U.S. or imported:

U.S. = 1

Imported = 0

Running the regression on the data, we get:

Adjusted R² 0.384
R   0.648
Std. Error   1.135
n   69
k   4
Dep. Var. Cost ($)
ANOVA table
Source SS   df   MS F p-value
Regression 59.7930 4   14.9482 11.60 3.84E-07
Residual 82.4907 64   1.2889
Total 142.2837 68  
Regression output confidence interval
variables coefficients std. error    t (df=64) p-value 95% lower 95% upper
Intercept 6.1104
Calories 0.0138 0.0117 1.180 .2424 -0.0096 0.0372
% of Alcohol -0.1529 0.1903 -0.803 .4248 -0.5331 0.2274
Type -0.4506 0.1411 -3.193 .0022 -0.7325 -0.1686
Cty of Origin -1.3981 0.3382 -4.134 .0001 -2.0737 -0.7226

Running the backward elimination on the data, we have to remove the independent variable % of Alcohol because it is insignificant.

Running the regression on the data, we get:

Adjusted R² 0.387
R   0.644
Std. Error   1.132
n   69
k   3
Dep. Var. Cost ($)
ANOVA table
Source SS   df   MS F p-value
Regression 58.9614 3   19.6538 15.33 1.20E-07
Residual 83.3223 65   1.2819
Total 142.2837 68  
Regression output confidence interval
variables coefficients std. error    t (df=65) p-value 95% lower 95% upper
Intercept 6.6399
Calories 0.0060 0.0065 0.925 .3585 -0.0070 0.0189
Type -0.4730 0.1380 -3.429 .0011 -0.7485 -0.1975
Cty of Origin -1.4286 0.3351 -4.263 .0001 -2.0978 -0.7593

Running the backward elimination on the data, we have to remove the independent variable Calories because it is insignificant.

Running the regression on the data, we get:

Adjusted R² 0.389
R   0.638
Std. Error   1.131
n   69
k   2
Dep. Var. Cost ($)
ANOVA table
Source SS   df   MS F p-value
Regression 57.8651 2   28.9326 22.62 3.30E-08
Residual 84.4186 66   1.2791
Total 142.2837 68  
Regression output confidence interval
variables coefficients std. error    t (df=66) p-value 95% lower 95% upper
Intercept 7.7765
Type -0.5629 0.0978 -5.755 2.45E-07 -0.7582 -0.3676
Cty of Origin -1.4475 0.3341 -4.332 .0001 -2.1146 -0.7803

The regression model is:

Cost = 7.7765 -0.5629Type -1.4475Cty of Origin

Therefore, the data is finally sliced and this is the final model as all the variables are significant in the model.

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