
In: Economics

Create a value proposition for a low-cost solar panel car with all the basic electricity requirements...

Create a value proposition for a low-cost solar panel car with all the basic electricity requirements in areas of the world not on traditional electric grids. (400-500 words)


Expert Solution

With the fuel options getting limited, there will be time when the world will have to look for other fuel options. That is the reason why we are seeing different automakers working on alternative fuel. Among several technologies that different automakers are working on, solar is one of them. Several innovators are working on solar-powered vehicles. The sun is an eternal and the most sustainable source of energy that can be used to produce electricity to run vehicles. The solar powered cars are not a common sight in India, as these are still under the experimental phase, but these could become a potential alternative for eco-conscious buyers.The government in Libya is planning to increase the solar cars on road by cutting down the tax.

These green vehicles use photovoltaic cells or solar panel, usually have Nickel-metal hydride/ Nickel-Cadmium/ Lithium ion/ Lithium polymer batteries, mounted on top of the car for generating energy from the sun. The sunlight’s energy frees electrons in the semi-conductor photovoltaic panels and creates an electrons flow that produces electricity and powers the battery. The solar battery can store the excessive electricity, produced all through a sunny day, and use it during night or a cloudy day.

Value proposition

Eco-friendly and Quiet: Solar-powered vehicles have zero emission level, as they don’t utilize non-renewable resources and burn fuel. The electric motors generate electricity that doesn't emit any greenhouse gases or any other pollutants. These cars are quieter than the vehicles powered by conventional fuels, which don't cause noise pollution as well.

Energy Availability: Solar cars derive their power from the sun, indirectly, that always shines and provides endless energy. The efficient solar panels can produce and store more horsepower for the vehicle.

No Fuel Costs: Unlike the conventionally fueled vehicles, solar vehicles have no fuel costs and a low cost of maintenance.

Preservation Of Natural Resources: Although the panels and other components of a solar-powered car initially consume energy and resources to manufacture, the solar car would require no additional energy input. Because solar-powered cars consume no fuel and do not require oil changes, their dependence on petroleum-based products is limited to the lubrication of wheels or plastics used in replacement parts. The electric motor and other components of solar cars are potentially maintenance-free, in contrast to the engines in current gas-powered vehicles.

Driving Comfort: Having aluminum and lightweight components, the solar-powered cars run faster and more smoothly than petrol and diesel engine vehicles.

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