In: Computer Science
Existing Online DSS system for buying a
Methodology/Approach/ Design for buying
Car transport is possibly the most common used form of transport. Its a great experience for someone to drive on routes.In carpurchasing its very difficult to take decision with the average cost. Theidea and steps of making right choices on car purchasing assure one tobuy a good car within ones budget.In this paper as I am describing aboutthe decision making process and problem solving technique which is amajor area in computer science field and it has a great effect on thisfield. It can make a difference in this field.
Proposed research methodology
Decision making support or advisory system for car purchasing came out of anessential need to automatically simulate the sequences of decision making usingdecision making technology.
Figure shows the architecture model of decision making system for car purchas-ing. One important criterion of decision making expert systems is the way they(actually) make part by part domain specific knowledge from more main or gen-eral purpose reasoning and corresponding techniques. A UI (user interface),an explanation system and for a bit time knowledge base editor and inferenceengine is provided by the shell. When user give a new problem or search anew query a shell can easily be find the right sort of support for that problem.Intelligent Advisor must seek a balance between customer needs and availableresources. Every new request disturbs the current balance. The resourcesare products such as car brands The main idea is that in a scenario of purchasinga car the objective of purchasing would be the product that mostly satisfies theirneeds and their preferable one.
Algorithm issue
A list of product is provided by the product catalog and each product isprovided by a number of attributes. By solving multi attribute decision problemthe process of selecting of most accurate product or item from the item catalogcan be formally described T= (A, B, C, D) where A = a1, a2an is a set of attributes with finite length the product catalog has, B= b1, b2bn indicatesall the spaces of all possible product in the catalog, C= c1, c2cn is a set of available products of finite length that the product catalog offers and D= d1,d2dn indicates a set of preference may be identified in any form as required bythe decision methods.