In: Computer Science
Python 3
Fix the code so everytime i hit clear the calendar resets to the current date in case it was modified
import tkinter as tk from tkcalendar import DateEntry from openpyxl import load_workbook from tkinter import messagebox window = tk.Tk() window.title("daily logs") window.grid_columnconfigure(1,weight=1) window.grid_rowconfigure(1,weight=1) # labels tk.Label(window, text="Bar code").grid(row=0, sticky="W", pady=20, padx=20) tk.Label(window, text="Products failed").grid(row=1, sticky="W", pady=20, padx=20) tk.Label(window, text="Money Lost").grid(row=2, sticky="W", pady=20, padx=20) tk.Label(window, text="sold by").grid(row=3, sticky="W", pady=20, padx=20) tk.Label(window, text="Failed date").grid(row=4, sticky="W", pady=20, padx=20) # entries barcode = tk.Entry(window) product = tk.Entry(window) money = tk.Entry(window) # arraging barcode.grid(row=0, column=1) product.grid(row=1, column=1) money.grid(row=2, column=1) options = tk.StringVar(window) options.set("Choose one value") # default value soldData = tk.OptionMenu(window, options, "Peter", "John", "Mary", "Jonatan", "Steve") soldData.grid(row=3, column=1) cal = DateEntry(window, width=12, background='darkblue', foreground='white', borderwidth=2) cal.grid(row=4, column=1) def readValue(): excel_barcode = barcode.get() excel_product = product.get() excel_money = money.get() excel_sold = options.get() if excel_sold.strip() == 'Choose one value': messagebox.showwarning("Error", "Please select a value for sold by") return date = cal._date print(date) data = [excel_barcode, excel_product, excel_money, excel_sold, date] workbook = load_workbook("dailylog.xlsx") worksheet = workbook.worksheets[0] worksheet.append(data)"dailylog.xlsx") cleardate() def cleardate(): barcode.delete(0, 'end') product.delete(0, 'end') money.delete(0, 'end') options.set("Choose one value") # default value # button to trigger actions button = tk.Button(text="SUBMIT", command=readValue).grid(row=5, pady=20, padx=20) button = tk.Button(text="CLEAR", command=cleardate).grid(row=5, column=1, pady=20, padx=20) window.geometry("500x400") window.mainloop()
Solution to your problem is to keep the today date in some variable on application startup and set it in the calendar on clear button click.
To store the today's date value following statement is required in the section where UI is getting arranged and default values are assigned.
Now we have stored the today's date value, next step is to set the date back to today's date on clear button click.
For that call the set_date function with today_date as argument.
So only two changes required. One is to store the today date value and another to reset the calendar date to stored today's date.
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