Some of the element are needed for the proposal to be marketable
- Cover page/Face page - In the cover page the some
date/information is providing about the proposal like Investigator
name, address, phone number, Tittle of the proposal, amount
requested, Signature of Institution's Authorizing Official
- Abstract - Abstract tells about the research including the
methodology, objectives and significance of the research.
- Budget and budget justification - The budget includes the
financial support required for the project like direct cost (
Salaries, fringe benefits, equipment) and indirect cost (
Facilities and Administrative Costs , Cost Sharing)
- Additional information - In the Additional information, it may
consist the sponsors required the current awards and pending
- Biographical Sketch - Biographical Sketch or the CV is required
the for all the key project personnel
- Reference - In the last, all the reference needs to be cited in
the proposal.
Some of the clear indicators of a poor proposal are :-
- Don't make proposal about you - While making the
proposal.Employee should be make the proposal about the customer
not about themselves.
- Don;t build the finish - When writing the proposal,conclusion
or about the proposal should be come first.So, that the customer
will able to know why are you differ from others.
- Don't use the slogan - When you use the slogan in the
proposal.Sometimes the customer will not understand.which shows the
poor proposal.
- Don't state you commitment and the intention - while making the
proposal.Don't state the commitment of customer satisfaction, risk
migration etc to the customer.Don't promise just show the
commitment instead of intend.
Following are the three aspects for a successful proposal that
are most significant -
- Originality - Doing thing that never have done before.The
originality of the proposal will help the company to gain the trust
of there customer.Originality of proposal can be achieved by
applying some new tools and techniques or interpreting the
data/information gathered before in different ways.
- Contribution/gain - Contribution represent the obtaining
knowledge during the proposal process.By the help of this we can
analyze what customer can gain and what organization can contribute
in the proposal.
- Knowledge and understanding - what knowledge and understanding
gained by the customer through the proposal.