
In: Computer Science

Why are the language features of JavaScript especially well­-suited to client side programming?

Why are the language features of JavaScript especially well­-suited to client side programming?


Expert Solution

JavaScript is a client-side scripting language, which means the source code is processed by the client's web browser rather than on the web server. This means JavaScript functions can run after a webpage has loaded without communicating with the server.

While JavaScript is not the only client-side scripting language on the Internet, it was one of the first and it is still the most widely used. Many developers believe that JavaScript is inefficient and finicky, so they have made many improvements to the language over the years.

There are many client-side scripting languages too.

  • JavaScript.
  • VBScript.
  • HTML (Structure)
  • CSS (Designing)
  • AJAX.
  • jQuery etc.

Common Characteristics of Scripting languages.

  • Both Batch and Interactive use.
  • Economy of Expression.
  • Lack of declarations; simple scoping rules.
  • Flexible dynamic typing.
  • Easy access to other programs.
  • Sophisticated Pattern matching.
  • High-level data types.

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