
In: Computer Science

Write a program that gathers input from the user and writes the information out to a...

Write a program that gathers input from the user and writes the information out to a file (output.txt).  

Your main method should gather the input, calculate the average, and write the output. You should have a separate method that writes the output to a file. You can have other methods as well if you choose. However, you MUST have at least one other method in addition to the main method.

Student Number
Class name
Grades 1-5 (5 individual grades)

Output: Student Number: [student number]
Student Name: [student name]
Class: [class name]
Grade 1: [grade 1]
Grade 2: [grade 2]
Grade 3: [grade 3]
Grade 4: [grade 4]
Grade 5: [grade 5]
Average: [grade average]

Example output.txt file:
Student Number: 12345
Student Name: Marty McFly
Class: Music Theory
Grade 1: 90
Grade 2: 85
Grade 3: 70
Grade 4: 99
Grade 5: 96
Average: 88


Expert Solution

Since you havn't mentioned the language i have written it in c, If you have any queries please comment


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
double average(int grades[]){
   double avg=0;
   int i;
   return avg/5;
int main()
   FILE *filePointer;
   int studentNumber,i,j,grades[5];
   char studentName[40];
//So, the file can be opened as
filePointer = fopen("dataFile.txt", "a+");
//Read data Student Number
printf("Student Number ");
   //Add it to the file by using filePrint operation
   fprintf(filePointer, "%s %d \n", "Student Number ", studentNumber);
   //read studet Name and update it to file
   printf("Student Name ");
   fprintf(filePointer, "%s %d \n", "Student Name ", studentName);
   //Read grades and add it to th file as done above
       printf("Enter Grade %d",i);
       fprintf(filePointer, "%s %d %d \n ", "Grade ",i, grades[i]);
   double avg=average(grades);
   fprintf(filePointer, "%s %d %ld \n ", "Average is ",i, avg);




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