
In: Computer Science

in MARIE simulator, write assembly language to BUBBLE SORT 30 hexadecimals store in two array.

in MARIE simulator, write assembly language to BUBBLE SORT 30 hexadecimals store in two array.


Expert Solution

Org 100

JnS ldArr
JnS in
JnS sort
JnS out


//sort array
sort, Hex 0
sl2, JnS ldArr
   Load N
   Subt c1
   Store N
sl1, Load swapped//zero swapped flag
   Subt swapped
   Store swapped  
   LoadI ArrL
   Store temp
   Load ArrL
   Add c1
   Store ArrL
   LoadI ArrL
   Subt temp
   Skipcond 800
   JnS swap
   Load N
   Subt c1
   Store N  
   Skipcond 400//test N
   Jump sl1
   Load Size//reset N
   Subt c1
   Store N
   Load swapped//end if nothing swapped
   Skipcond 400
   Jump sl2
   JumpI sort

//swap curent and previous
swap,   Hex 0
   Load swapped
   Add c1
   Store swapped
   LoadI ArrL
   Store temp2
   Load temp  
   StoreI ArrL
   Load ArrL
   Subt c1
   Store ArrL
   Load temp2
   StoreI ArrL
   Load ArrL
   Add c1
   Store ArrL
   JumpI swap

//input N and N values
in,   Hex 0
   Store Size
Loop, Store N
   StoreI ArrL
   Load ArrL
   Add c1
   Store ArrL
   Load N
   Subt c1
   Skipcond 400
   Jump Loop
   Store ArrL
   load Arr
   jumpI in

//output array
out,   Hex 0
   JnS ldArr  
ol, LoadI ArrL
   Load ArrL
   Add c1
   Store ArrL
   Load N
   Subt c1   
   Store N
   Skipcond 400
   Jump ol
   JumpI out

//reset N and ArrL pointer
ldArr,   Hex 0
   Load Size
   Store N
l, Load Arr
   Load l
   Subt H1000
   Store ArrL
   JumpI ldArr

Size, Dec 5

c1, Dec 1
H1000, Hex 1000

ArrL, Dec 0
N, Dec 0
swapped, Dec 0   //flag if swapped
temp, Hex 0   //temps for swapping
temp2, Hex 0

Arr,   Dec 0
   Dec 0
   Dec 0
    Dec 0
   Dec 0

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