
In: Computer Science

Create a Snake game project in C++ using all these which are given below. 1. Classes...

Create a Snake game project in C++ using all these which are given below.

1. Classes

2. structures


4. loops

5. conditions

6. switch

7. functions

8. array

Note: Also upload the zip file.


Expert Solution

//This program has successfully run on
//operating system - windows 10 64 bit
//IDE - Code::Blocks 16.01
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <winuser.h>

using namespace std;

struct po_si_tion
    int x_axis,y_axis;

//Defining field class
class fld_cls
    static const int ht; //ht = height
    static const int wth; //wth = width
    char ** fld;
    fld_cls(const fld_cls &);
    fld_cls operator=(const fld_cls &);
        fld = new char*[fld_cls::ht]; //fld = field
        for(int i = 0; i < fld_cls::ht; ++i)
            fld[i] = new char[fld_cls::wth];
        for(int i = 0; i < fld_cls::ht; ++i)
               delete[] fld[i];
        delete[] fld;

//to clear snake
    void to_clear()
        for(int i = 0; i < ht; ++i)
               for(int r = 0; r < wth; ++r)
                 fld[i][r] = ' ';
//printing snake
    void to_print()
        for(int i = 0; i < ht; ++i)
               for(int r = 0; r < wth; ++r)
                 cout << fld[i][r];
            cout << endl;

    int get_wth() const {return wth;}
    int get_ht() const {return ht;}

//to draw sanke
    void to_draw(int y_axis, int x_axis, char what)
        //y_axis = (y_axis < 0) ? 0 : (y_axis >= ht ? ht - 1 : y_axis);
        //x_axis = (x_axis < 0) ? 0 : (x_axis >= wth ? wth - 1 : x_axis);

        fld[y_axis][x_axis] = what;

} fld;

//food represented by letter 'X'
class food_cls
    po_si_tion pos;
    char symbol;
    food_cls(): symbol('X'), pos()
        pos.x_axis = pos.y_axis = -1;
//setting position of snake
    void set_pos(int x_axis, int y_axis)
        pos.x_axis = x_axis;
        pos.y_axis = y_axis;
//resetting position of snake
    void re_po_si_tion(const fld_cls & fld)
        pos.x_axis = rand() % fld.get_wth();
        pos.y_axis = rand() % fld.get_ht();

    int get_x_axis() const {return pos.x_axis;}
    int get_y_axis() const {return pos.y_axis;}
    char get_symbol() const {return symbol;}
} food;
//class for giving direction to snake
class snake_cls
    enum {UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT} dir;
    char symbol, head_symbol;
    po_si_tion pos[100];
    po_si_tion & head;
    int speed;
    int size;
    bool can_turn;
    snake_cls(int x_axis, int y_axis):
        symbol('#'), head_symbol('@'), pos(),//snake head is '@' and tail is '#'
        speed(1), size(1), dir(RIGHT),
        head(pos[0]), can_turn(true)
        pos[0].x_axis = x_axis;
        pos[0].y_axis = y_axis;
//Display random food by symbol 'X'
    bool check_food(const food_cls & food)
        if(food.get_x_axis() == head.x_axis && food.get_y_axis() == head.y_axis)
              size += 1;
              return true;
        return false;
//Function to take direction from user/navigation for snake
    void get_input(const fld_cls & fld)
        if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_UP) && dir != DOWN)
              dir = UP;
        if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DOWN) && dir != UP)
            dir = DOWN;
        if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LEFT) && dir != RIGHT)
            dir = LEFT;
        if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RIGHT) && dir != LEFT)
            dir = RIGHT;

    void to_move(const fld_cls & fld)
        po_si_tion nex_axist = {0, 0};
        case UP:
            nex_axist.y_axis = -speed;
        case DOWN:
            nex_axist.y_axis = speed;
        case LEFT:
            nex_axist.x_axis = -speed;
        case RIGHT:
            nex_axist.x_axis = speed;
        for(int i = size - 1; i > 0; --i)
            pos[i] = pos[i-1];
        head.x_axis += nex_axist.x_axis;
        head.y_axis += nex_axist.y_axis;

        if(head.x_axis < 0 || head.y_axis < 0 || head.x_axis >= fld.get_wth() || head.y_axis >= fld.get_ht())
            throw "DEADD!!!!";

    void to_draw(fld_cls & fld)
        for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
            if(i == 0)
                fld.to_draw(pos[i].y_axis, pos[i].x_axis, head_symbol);
                fld.to_draw(pos[i].y_axis, pos[i].x_axis, symbol);

    int get_x_axis() const { return head.x_axis; }
    int get_y_axis() const { return head.y_axis; }
    char get_symbol() const { return symbol; }
} snake(1, 1);

const int fld_cls::ht = 24;
const int fld_cls::wth = 79;

int main()

    food.set_pos(5, 5); //setting food position



          catch (const char * er)
            cerr << er << endl;
            return -1;
        fld.to_draw(food.get_y_axis(), food.get_x_axis(), food.get_symbol());




    return 0;

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