
In: Biology

Some consider Canada geese a pest, as they “ruin” waterfront parks for human use. You have...

Some consider Canada geese a pest, as they “ruin” waterfront parks for human use. You have been approached by the local government who wants to import a hawk from Europe to act as a predator and decrease the number of geese.
Write a report to the local government explaining why you feel that this is a good solution or not. Be sure to justify your reasons.


Expert Solution


A hawk will take down a goose anytime. The predators destroy the geese nest and eggs during egg-laying, The pair will produce only one brood per year.Hence the population will be reduced.

Hawks are strong, powerful birds. Their feet are equipped with sharp, curved talons for capturing prey, and their strong beaks are hooked for biting and tearing flesh. Swift fliers, some hawks can attain speeds of over 150 mph when diving.

Some species undertake long migrational journeys, traveling thousands of miles each year – a testimony to their strength and stamina. Their sense of hearing is excellent, and their eyesight the best in the entire animal world.

Not only can hawks see greater distances than humans, but their visual acuity (the ability to see clearly) is eight times that of ours.

The hawk kills its prey with its talons. The hawk's preferred time for hunting is usually just before nightfall when daylight lessens. The hawk is known for being a violent predator, When it flies, the hawk flaps its wings rapidly, and then uses that momentum to glide smoothly and gracefully through the air.

Using hawk for reduing Canada geese population, is a good and cheapest solution.

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