
In: Math

An agronomist is conducting a field experiment to identify the best management practice for minimizing spread...

An agronomist is conducting a field experiment to identify the best management practice for minimizing spread of a certain plant disease in corn. He compares four different management strategies designed so that they would reduce the spread of the disease. He has set up a field study with a total of 25 experimental plots planted with corn and with 5 treatments (4 disease prevention treatments and a control treatment). Each treatment has been assigned to 5 randomly selected plots. Plant biomass was then measured from each plot at the end of the experiment. The ANOVA table and the treatment means are shown below.




Sum of Squares

Mean Square












a)(10 points) Conduct all pairwise comparisons between the treatment means using LSD, (=0.05). Present the results using letters assigned to treatment means (Use letters in the column Letters for part a) in the below table)


Show LSD value:

b)(10 points) Conduct all pairwise comparisons between the treatment means using Tukey’s HSD (=0.05). Present the results using letters assigned to treatment means. (Use the column Letters for part b) in the below table)

Show HSD value:


c)(10 points) Did you expect to see differences in conclusions obtained using the two methods (LSD and Tukey’s)? Which method would you use for this analysis? For full credit, provide an explanationof your choice.



Mean values of the plant biomass

Letters for part a)

Letters for part b)

Management 1


Management 2


Management 3


Management 4


Control (no management)


Step by step procedure by hand, possibly shortest way to go about this problem would be ideal. thank you in advance


Expert Solution

Required table:

Treatment Mean values of the plant biomass Letters for part a) Letters for part b)
Management 1 6.6 1 A
Management 2 14.6 2 B
Management 3 31.4 3 C
Management 4 24.1 4 D
Control (no management) 2.2 5 E


Here we have 5 groups and total number of observations are 25. So degree of freedom is


Critical value of t for and df = 20 is 2.086.

The Fisher's LSD Value is

Following table shows the required intervals:

groups (i-j) xbari xbarj ni nj LSD xbari-xbarj absolute diff Lower limit Upper limit Significant(Yes/No)
1-2 6.6 14.6 5 5 7.92 -8 8 -15.92 -0.08 Yes
1-3 6.6 31.4 5 5 7.92 -24.8 24.8 -32.72 -16.88 Yes
1-4 6.6 24.1 5 5 7.92 -17.5 17.5 -25.42 -9.58 Yes
1-5 6.6 2.2 5 5 7.92 4.4 4.4 -3.52 12.32 No
2-3 14.6 31.4 5 5 7.92 -16.8 16.8 -24.72 -8.88 Yes
2-4 14.6 24.1 5 5 7.92 -9.5 9.5 -17.42 -1.58 Yes
2-5 14.6 2.2 5 5 7.92 12.4 12.4 4.48 20.32 Yes
3-4 31.4 24.1 5 5 7.92 7.3 7.3 -0.62 15.22 No
3-5 31.4 2.2 5 5 7.92 29.2 29.2 21.28 37.12 Yes
4-5 24.1 2.2 5 5 7.92 21.9 21.9 13.98 29.82 Yes


Critical value for , df=20 and k=5 is

So Tukey's HSD will be

Following table shows the required intervals:

groups (i-j) xbari xbarj ni nj HSD xbari-xbarj Lower limit Upper limit Significant(Yes/No)
A-B 6.6 14.6 5 5 11.35 -8 -19.35 3.35 No
A-C 6.6 31.4 5 5 11.35 -24.8 -36.15 -13.45 Yes
A-D 6.6 24.1 5 5 11.35 -17.5 -28.85 -6.15 Yes
A-E 6.6 2.2 5 5 11.35 4.4 -6.95 15.75 No
B-C 14.6 31.4 5 5 11.35 -16.8 -28.15 -5.45 Yes
B-D 14.6 24.1 5 5 11.35 -9.5 -20.85 1.85 No
B-E 14.6 2.2 5 5 11.35 12.4 1.05 23.75 Yes
C-D 31.4 24.1 5 5 11.35 7.3 -4.05 18.65 No
C-E 31.4 2.2 5 5 11.35 29.2 17.85 40.55 Yes
D-E 24.1 2.2 5 5 11.35 21.9 10.55 33.25 Yes

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