
In: Computer Science

int main() {    footBallPlayerType bigGiants[MAX];    int numberOfPlayers;    int choice;    string name;   ...

int main()
   footBallPlayerType bigGiants[MAX];
   int numberOfPlayers;
   int choice;
   string name;
   int playerNum;
   int numOfTouchDowns;
   int numOfcatches;
   int numOfPassingYards;
   int numOfReceivingYards;
   int numOfRushingYards;
   int ret;
   int num = 0;
   ifstream inFile;
   ofstream outFile;
   ret = openFile(inFile);
   if (ret)
       getData(inFile, bigGiants, numberOfPlayers);
       return 1;
   /// replace with the proper call to getData
       cin >> choice;
       cout << endl;
       switch (choice)
       case 1:
           cout << "Enter player's name: ";
           cin >> name;
           cout << endl;
           playerNum = searchData(bigGiants, num, name);
           printPlayerData(bigGiants, num, playerNum);
       case 2:
           printData(bigGiants, num);
       case 3:
           cout << "Enter player name: ";
           cin >> name;
           cout << endl;
           playerNum = searchData(bigGiants, num, name);
           cout << "Enter number of touch downs to be added: ";
           cin >> numOfTouchDowns;
           cout << endl;
           /// replace with call to update TouchDowns from group 1
       case 4:
           cout << "Enter player name: ";
           cin >> name;
           cout << endl;
           playerNum = searchData(bigGiants, num, name);
           cout << "Enter number of catches to be added: ";
           cin >> numOfcatches;
           cout << endl;
       case 5:
           cout << "Enter player name: ";
           cin >> name;
           cout << endl;
           playerNum = searchData(bigGiants, num, name);
           cout << "Enter number of passing yards to be added: ";
           cin >> numOfPassingYards;
           cout << endl;
           /// replace with call to updatePassingYards from group 3
       case 6:
           cout << "Enter player name: ";
           cin >> name;
           cout << endl;
           playerNum = searchData(bigGiants, num, name);
           cout << "Enter number of receiving yards to be added: ";
           cin >> numOfReceivingYards;
           cout << endl;
           /// replace with call to update Receiving Yards from group 4
       case 7:
           cout << "Enter player name: ";
           cin >> name;
           cout << endl;
           playerNum = searchData(bigGiants, num, name);
           cout << "Enter number of rushing yards to be added: ";
           cin >> numOfRushingYards;
           cout << endl;
           /// replace with call to update Rushing Yards from group 5
       case 99:
           cout << "Invalid selection." << endl;
   } while (choice != 99);
   char response;
   cout << "Would you like to save data: (y,Y/n,N) ";
   cin >> response;
   cout << endl;
   if (response == 'y' || response == 'Y')
       saveData(outFile, bigGiants, num);
   return 0;
/// If file cannot be opened, a 1 is returned.
/// Parameter: ifstream
int openFile(ifstream& in) {
   string filename;
   cout << "Please enter football data file name: ";
   cin >> filename;;
   if (!in)
       cout << filename << " input file does not exist. Program terminates!" << endl;
       return 1;
   return 0;
/// Function requests file name from the user and opens file.
/// Post condition: If no error encountered, file is opened.
/// If file cannot be opened, a 0 is returned.
/// Parameter: ofstream
int openOutFile(ofstream& out) {
   string filename;
   cout << "Please enter the name of the output file: ";
   cin >> filename;;
   if (!out)
       return 0;
   return 1;
void showMenu()
   cout << "Select one of the following options:" << endl;
   cout << "1: To print a player's data" << endl;
   cout << "2: To print the entire data" << endl;
   cout << "3: To update a player's touch downs" << endl;
   cout << "4: To update a player's number of catches" << endl;
   cout << "5: To update a player's passing yards" << endl;
   cout << "6: To update a player's receiving yards" << endl;
   cout << "7: To update a player's rushing yards" << endl;
   cout << "99: To quit the program" << endl;
/// Reads data into the structure array
/// Precondition: ifstream is open, howMany initialized to 0
/// Postcondition: the structure array contains data from the input file
/// the howMany parameter contains the number of rows read
/// Parameters: ifstream, structure array, int file read counter
void getData(ifstream& inf, footBallPlayerType list[], int& howMany)
   howMany = 0;
   while (inf)
       inf >> list[howMany].name >> list[howMany].position >> list[howMany].touchDowns >> list[howMany].catches >> list[howMany].passingYards >> list[howMany].receivingYards >> list[howMany].rushingYards;

/// Prints statistics for a selected player
/// Precondition: structure array contains data, length contains number of
void printPlayerData(footBallPlayerType list[], int length, int playerNum)
   if (0 <= playerNum && playerNum < length)
       cout << "Name: " << list[playerNum].name
       << " Position: " << list[playerNum].position << endl
       << "Touch Downs: " << list[playerNum].touchDowns
       << "; Number of Catches: " << list[playerNum].catches << endl
       << "Passing Yards: " << list[playerNum].passingYards
       << "; Receiving Yards: " << list[playerNum].receivingYards
       << "; Rushing Yards: " << list[playerNum].rushingYards << endl << endl;
       cout << "Invalid player number." << endl << endl;
void printData(footBallPlayerType list[], int length)
   cout << left << setw(15) << "Name"
       << setw(14) << "Position"
       << setw(12) << "Touch Downs"
       << setw(9) << "Catches"
       << setw(12) << "Pass Yards"
       << setw(10) << "Rec Yards"
       << setw(12) << "Rush Yards" << endl;
   for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
       cout << left << setw(15) << list[i].name
       << setw(14) << list[i].position
       << right << setw(6) << list[i].touchDowns
       << setw(9) << list[i].catches
       << setw(12) << list[i].passingYards
       << setw(10) << list[i].receivingYards
       << setw(12) << list[i].rushingYards << endl;
   cout << endl << endl;
/// Saves updated data to file name entered by user
/// Precondition: structure array contains data, length of array is filled
/// Postcondition: If requested file is opened, updated data is written to the
/// Parameters: ofstream, structure array, int length of array
void saveData(ofstream& outF, footBallPlayerType list[], int length)
   int ret;
   ret = openOutFile(outF);
   if (!ret) {
       cout << "Output file did not will not be output to a file. " << endl;
   for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
       outF << list[i].name
       << " " << list[i].position
       << " " << list[i].touchDowns
       << " " << list[i].catches
       << " " << list[i].passingYards
       << " " << list[i].receivingYards
       << " " << list[i].rushingYards << endl;
/// Finds a football player by name
int searchData(footBallPlayerType list[], int length, string n)
   for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
       if (list[i].name == n)
           return i;
   return -1;

I need help with my errors

The header file below

#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <string>#include <iomanip>using namespace std;struct footBallPlayerType{ string name; string position; int touchDowns; int catches; int passingYards; int receivingYards; int rushingYards;};const int MAX = 30;int openFile(ifstream&);int openOutFile(ofstream& out);void showMenu();void getData(ifstream& inf, footBallPlayerType list[], int& length);void printPlayerData(footBallPlayerType list[], int length, int playerNum);void printData(footBallPlayerType list[], int length);void saveData(ofstream&


Expert Solution

  • There was no compile time error. However, the outputs produced were not the correct one.

i have added the following modificaiton to the code:

  • A change in getData() to check for end of file
  • A change in main() to make the program enter into the while. It was returning from before entering the loop
  • Statements to update information about players.

modified program:

  • Modification made are given in bold letters. It is for the reader's reference. It is better option to copy adn paste this in your editor.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
struct footBallPlayerType
string name;
string position;
int touchDowns;
int catches;
int passingYards;
int receivingYards;
int rushingYards;
const int MAX = 30;
int openFile(ifstream&);
int openOutFile(ofstream& out);
void showMenu();
void getData(ifstream& inf, footBallPlayerType list[], int& length);
void printPlayerData(footBallPlayerType list[], int length, int playerNum);
void printData(footBallPlayerType list[], int length);
void saveData(ofstream& outF, footBallPlayerType list[], int length);
int searchData(footBallPlayerType list[], int length, string n);
int main()
footBallPlayerType bigGiants[MAX];
int numberOfPlayers;
int choice;
string name;
int playerNum;
int numOfTouchDowns;
int numOfcatches;
int numOfPassingYards;
int numOfReceivingYards;
int numOfRushingYards;
int ret;
int num = 0;
ifstream inFile;
ofstream outFile;
ret = openFile(inFile);
if (ret==0)
getData(inFile, bigGiants, num);
return 1;
/// replace with the proper call to getData
cin >> choice;
cout << endl;
switch (choice)
case 1:
cout << "Enter player's name: ";
cin >> name;
cout << endl;
playerNum = searchData(bigGiants, num, name);
printPlayerData(bigGiants, num, playerNum);
case 2:
printData(bigGiants, num);
case 3:
cout << "Enter player name: ";
cin >> name;
cout << endl;
playerNum = searchData(bigGiants, num, name);
cout << "Enter number of touch downs to be added: ";
cin >> numOfTouchDowns;
bigGiants[playerNum].touchDowns += numOfTouchDowns;
cout << endl;
/// replace with call to update TouchDowns from group 1
case 4:
cout << "Enter player name: ";
cin >> name;
cout << endl;
playerNum = searchData(bigGiants, num, name);
cout << "Enter number of catches to be added: ";
cin >> numOfcatches;
bigGiants[playerNum].catches += numOfcatches;
cout << endl;
case 5:
cout << "Enter player name: ";
cin >> name;
cout << endl;
playerNum = searchData(bigGiants, num, name);
cout << "Enter number of passing yards to be added: ";
cin >> numOfPassingYards;
bigGiants[playerNum].passingYards += numOfPassingYards;
cout << endl;
/// replace with call to updatePassingYards from group 3
case 6:
cout << "Enter player name: ";
cin >> name;
cout << endl;
playerNum = searchData(bigGiants, num, name);
cout << "Enter number of receiving yards to be added: ";
cin >> numOfReceivingYards;
bigGiants[playerNum].receivingYards = numOfReceivingYards;
cout << endl;
/// replace with call to update Receiving Yards from group 4
case 7:
cout << "Enter player name: ";
cin >> name;
cout << endl;
playerNum = searchData(bigGiants, num, name);
cout << "Enter number of rushing yards to be added: ";
cin >> numOfRushingYards;
bigGiants[playerNum].rushingYards = numOfRushingYards;
cout << endl;
/// replace with call to update Rushing Yards from group 5
case 99:
cout << "Invalid selection." << endl;
} while (choice != 99);
char response;
cout << "Would you like to save data: (y,Y/n,N) ";
cin >> response;
cout << endl;
if (response == 'y' || response == 'Y')
saveData(outFile, bigGiants, num);
return 0;
/// If file cannot be opened, a 1 is returned.
/// Parameter: ifstream
int openFile(ifstream& in) {
string filename;
cout << "Please enter football data file name: ";
cin >> filename;;
if (!in)
cout << filename << " input file does not exist. Program terminates!" << endl;
return 1;
return 0;
/// Function requests file name from the user and opens file.
/// Post condition: If no error encountered, file is opened.
/// If file cannot be opened, a 0 is returned.
/// Parameter: ofstream
int openOutFile(ofstream& out) {
string filename;
cout << "Please enter the name of the output file: ";
cin >> filename;;
if (!out)
return 0;
return 1;
void showMenu()
cout << "Select one of the following options:" << endl;
cout << "1: To print a player's data" << endl;
cout << "2: To print the entire data" << endl;
cout << "3: To update a player's touch downs" << endl;
cout << "4: To update a player's number of catches" << endl;
cout << "5: To update a player's passing yards" << endl;
cout << "6: To update a player's receiving yards" << endl;
cout << "7: To update a player's rushing yards" << endl;
cout << "99: To quit the program" << endl;
/// Reads data into the structure array
/// Precondition: ifstream is open, howMany initialized to 0
/// Postcondition: the structure array contains data from the input file
/// the howMany parameter contains the number of rows read
/// Parameters: ifstream, structure array, int file read counter
void getData(ifstream& inf, footBallPlayerType list[], int& howMany)
howMany = 0;
while (inf>> list[howMany].name )
inf >> list[howMany].position >> list[howMany].touchDowns >> list[howMany].catches >> list[howMany].passingYards >> list[howMany].receivingYards >> list[howMany].rushingYards;

/// Prints statistics for a selected player
/// Precondition: structure array contains data, length contains number of
void printPlayerData(footBallPlayerType list[], int length, int playerNum)
if (0 <= playerNum && playerNum < length)
cout << "Name: " << list[playerNum].name
<< " Position: " << list[playerNum].position << endl
<< "Touch Downs: " << list[playerNum].touchDowns
<< "; Number of Catches: " << list[playerNum].catches << endl
<< "Passing Yards: " << list[playerNum].passingYards
<< "; Receiving Yards: " << list[playerNum].receivingYards
<< "; Rushing Yards: " << list[playerNum].rushingYards << endl << endl;
cout << "Invalid player number." << endl << endl;
void printData(footBallPlayerType list[], int length)
cout << left << setw(15) << "Name"
<< setw(14) << "Position"
<< setw(12) << "Touch Downs"
<< setw(9) << "Catches"
<< setw(12) << "Pass Yards"
<< setw(10) << "Rec Yards"
<< setw(12) << "Rush Yards" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
cout << left << setw(15) << list[i].name
<< setw(14) << list[i].position
<< right << setw(6) << list[i].touchDowns
<< setw(9) << list[i].catches
<< setw(12) << list[i].passingYards
<< setw(10) << list[i].receivingYards
<< setw(12) << list[i].rushingYards << endl;
cout << endl << endl;
/// Saves updated data to file name entered by user
/// Precondition: structure array contains data, length of array is filled
/// Postcondition: If requested file is opened, updated data is written to the
/// Parameters: ofstream, structure array, int length of array
void saveData(ofstream& outF, footBallPlayerType list[], int length)
int ret;
ret = openOutFile(outF);
if (!ret) {
cout << "Output file did not will not be output to a file. " << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
outF << list[i].name
<< " " << list[i].position
<< " " << list[i].touchDowns
<< " " << list[i].catches
<< " " << list[i].passingYards
<< " " << list[i].receivingYards
<< " " << list[i].rushingYards << endl;
/// Finds a football player by name
int searchData(footBallPlayerType list[], int length, string n)
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (list[i].name == n)
return i;
return -1;


input file used:

output file:

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