In: Economics
It is more than 200 years since Malthus developed the population theory for which he is famous. Was he correct? 150 words minimum.
Malthus believed that the population would grow in geometric progression whereas food supply will grow in arithmetic progression and the population will grow faster than the supply of food which will induce a shortage of food. According to him certain positive checks and preventive checks will control the population onto a sustainable level. The former refers to natural checks like famines, war, diseases, and droughts whereas the latter is family planning or even celibacy.
The problem around his theory is that he did not think about medical improvement or technology advancement as exceptions that is why today's food production and population have definitely increased but not in the progression Malthus observed. According to his theory land is limited hence the food production constraints but today with globalization and trade one exchanges goods and services so as to balance shortage and surplus (export and import). Yes, certain aspects like that birth rate should be controlled are valid observation of Malthus but overall the theory has been criticized heavily and is not completely applicable today.