In: Electrical Engineering
Create matlab simulink model for dc-dc buck converter
with screenshot.
Note: provide matlab code for the output of dc-dc buck converter if
Beginning from here
% you have to update the following
% blocks:
% * Host_Read_12M_COM9_CL/Serial Configuration
% * Host_Read_12M_COM9_CL/Serial Receive
% * Host_Read_12M_COM9_CL/Serial Send/Serial Send
%% Run the Example
% * Open the target model <matlab:open_system('DCDC_Buck.slx')
% DCDC_Buck.slx> and generate code by typing Ctrl+B. Follow the build
% process by opening the diagnostic viewer with the link provided at the
% bottom of the model canvas. Once the code is loaded on the board, a blue
% LED blinks at a period of 1 second on the LaunchPad indicating that the
% code is properly running.
% * Open the host model <matlab:open_system('Host_Read_12M_COM9.slx')
% Host_Read_12M_COM9.slx>. Make sure that your COM port is properly
% configured following the model configuration instructions. Click on the
% play button to run the model.
%% Monitor Signals
% While the host model is running, the following signals can be monitored
% on the scope:
% # *I_FB Current*: The current flowing in the load resistors. Raw values
% are displayed to allow real-time logging. *4095 counts > 3.3A*
% # *V_FB Voltage*: The measured output voltage of the system. *4095 counts
% > 6.8V*
%% Tune Parameters
% While the host model is running, you can tune parameters that will be
% sent to the hardware using the following *dashboard blocks*:
% # *Voltage Request*: Change the output voltage demand. This parameter is
% the main request for the control loop. The controller algorithm will
% compare this value with the measured output voltage and adjust the PWM
% duty cycle to towards achieving that output voltage.
% # *Active load*: Turn on and off the active load present on the hardware.
% This parameter allows you to add an extra load resistor to study the
% effect of abrupt changes in the load circuit.
% # *P Gain*: Change the proportional gain of the controller algorithm. You
% can change this parameter to study the robustness of the controller.
% Aggressive changes may lead to instability of the controller, apply
% changes wisely.
% # *I Gain*: Change the integral gain of the controller algorithm. You can
% change this parameter to study the robustness of the controller.
% Aggressive changes may lead to instability of the controller, apply
% changes wisely.
End dont use in coading