
In: Computer Science

Instructions:  Code a for statement that increments from 1 through 10, but print only the even numbers...

Instructions:  Code a for statement that increments from 1 through 10, but print only the even numbers using a fall-thru switch. You can catch the odd numbers using the option in the switch that handles everything else. Name your program Use Java Style Guide in line advancing and spacing.

--------------------OUTPUT RESULTS--------------------

Not printing odd numbers!

2 is an even number.

Not printing odd numbers!

4 is an even number.

Not printing odd numbers!

6 is an even number.

Not printing odd numbers!

8 is an even number.

Not printing odd numbers!

10 is an even number.

//class header

//Begin class scope.

        //main method header

        //Begin method scope.

              //for header using i as loop-control variable

              //Begin for scope.


                    //Code switch expression.

                    //Begin switch scope.


                          //First case.

                          //Next statement.

                          //Next statement.

                          //Next statement.

                          //Next statement.

                                //Print the number and that it is even, e.g., “2 is an even number.”

                          //Next statement.

                          //Code option that handles the odd numbers.

                                 //Print "Not printing odd numbers!”

                    //Close switch scope.

              //Close for scope.

              //Exit program.

        //End method scope.

//End class scope.


Expert Solution

import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
class ForFallThruSwitch
        public static void main (String[] args) 
        for(int i=1;i<=10;i++)
            //fall through switch
                //handles all even cases
                case 2: 
                case 4: 
                case 6: 
                case 8: 
                case 10: System.out.println(i+" is an even number."); 
                        //handles all odd cases
                        case 1:
                        case 3:
                        case 5:
                        case 7:
                        case 9: System.out.println("Not printing odd numbers!"); 


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