
In: Operations Management

At one of the Wrigley Company’s recent annual general meetings, Wrigley used a John F. Kennedy...

At one of the Wrigley Company’s recent annual general meetings, Wrigley used a John F. Kennedy quote to demonstrate his position to shareholders: “There are risks and costs to any programme of action, but they are far less than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction.”

At one of the Wrigley Company’s recent annual general meetings, Wrigley used a John F. Kennedy quote to demonstrate his position to shareholders: “There are risks and costs to any programme of action, but they are far less than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction.

  1. Discuss the use of positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement and punishment in motivating organization members.Which of the three (3) do you think is the most important ingredient of behaviour modification? Please justify your response?                                                      


Expert Solution

Positive reinforcement could be defined as using positive approaches in the organisation to make the people feel motivated, accomplished, encouraged and also empowered towards the achievement of their goals as well as organisation's goals. All the positive envouraging words and ways you use to fill the people with positive outlook and influence is the example for the same.

Negative reinforcement could be defined as using a negative motivation or leadership approach like the strict authority and closer leadership in which negative approaches like fear of punishment, or fear of getting terminated are used to motivate and influence the employees in the workplace. This kind of leadership is basically used in strict supervision organisation like army or police forces.

At last, punishment are the outcomes or the results one gets either in physical or non physical form as they have done something negative or have failed to accomplish any task. Punishment like termination or reducing the pay or bonus are examples of this approach.

For what I believe the most effective way whether the employees are newly joined or veterans, the positive reinforcement is always an effective solution to all. It helps the organisation to boost the employee's morale in such a manner where there is no space of fear. With this, an employee is filled with confidence and present new and innovate ideas to increase the productivity and creativity in the organisation, thus enhancing the culture of the workplace. Thus, the most appropriate ingredient I believe to shape a human behaviour is using a positive reinforcement and leadership action to make them be optimistic and better examples for future generations.

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