
In: Statistics and Probability

The manufacturer of an MP3 player wanted to know whether a 10% reduction in price is...

The manufacturer of an MP3 player wanted to know whether a 10% reduction in price is enough to increase the sales of its product. To investigate, the owner randomly selected eight outlets and sold the MP3 player at the reduced price. At seven randomly selected outlets, the MP3 player was sold at the regular price. Reported below is the number of units sold last month at the regular and reduced prices at the randomly selected outlets. Regular price 138 121 123 116 116 122 132 Reduced price 143 133 151 136 144 123 130 131 Click here for the Excel Data File At the 0.010 significance level, can the manufacturer conclude that the price reduction resulted in an increase in sales? Hint: For the calculations, assume reduced price as the first sample. Compute the pooled estimate of the variance. (Round your answer to 3 decimal places.) Compute the test statistic. (Round your answer to 2 decimal places.) State your decision about the null hypothesis. Reject H0 Fail to reject H0


Expert Solution

Let be the population average for sales at the regular price.

Let be the population average for sales at the reduced price.

From the data:

For Reduced Price: = 124, s1 = 8.185, n1 = 8

For: = 136.375, s2 = 9.07, n2 = 8

Since s1/s2 = 8.185/9.07 = 0.9 (it lies between 0.5 and 2) we used the pooled variance.

Since we use the pooled variance, the degrees of freedom = n1 + n2 - 2 = 7 + 8 - 2 = 13

The Hypothesis:

H0: = : The average for sales at the regular price is equal to the average for sales at the reduced price.

Ha: < : The average for sales at the regular price is lesser than the average for sales at the reduced price.

This is a Left tailed test.

The Test Statistic:

The p Value: The p value (Left Tail) for t = -2.76,df = 13,is; p value = 0.0081

The Critical Value:   The critical value (Left tail) at = 0.01, df = 13,tcritical = -2.65

The Decision Rule:

By The Critical Value Method: If tobserved is < -tcritical, Then Reject H0.

By The p - Value Method: If the P value is < , Then Reject H0

The Decision:

By The Critical Value Method: Since t observed (-2.76) is < tcritical (-2.65), We Reject H0.

By The p - Value Method: Since P value (0.0081) is < (0.01), We Reject H0.

The Conclusion: Reject H0. There is sufficient evidence at the 99% significance level to conclude that the average for sales at the regular price is lesser than the average for sales at the reduced price.


Calculations for the mean and the standard deviation:

Mean = Sum of observation / Total Observations

Standard deviation = SQRT(Variance)

Variance = Sum Of Squares (SS) / n - 1, where SS = SUM(X - Mean)2.

Outlet Regular Reduced
1 138 143
2 121 133
3 123 151
4 116 136
5 116 144
6 122 123
7 132 130
8 131
Regular X Mean (x - mean)2 Reduced X Mean (x - mean)2
1 138 124 196 1 143 136.375 43.890625
2 121 124 9 2 133 136.375 11.390625
3 123 124 1 3 151 136.375 213.890625
4 116 124 64 4 136 136.375 0.140625
5 116 124 64 5 144 136.375 58.140625
6 122 124 4 6 123 136.375 178.890625
7 132 124 64 7 130 136.375 40.640625
8 131 136.375 28.890625
Total 868 402 1091 575.875
Regular Reduced
n 7 8
Sum 868 1091
Average 124.00 136.375
SS(Sum of squares) 402 575.875
Variance = SS/n-1 67 82.26785714
Std Dev=Sqrt(Variance) 8.185 9.070

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