
In: Operations Management

I need the technical Feasibility and the Operational Feasibility for one recommendation solution . A few...

I need the technical Feasibility and the Operational Feasibility for one recommendation solution .

A few years ago, Ronald Montgomery founded Cultural Learning Experiences (CLE), Inc., a small firm in Chicago that organizes and plans educational trips for faculty and students seeking a unique learning experience abroad. At first, the company focused mainly on organising these educational experiences in France and Switzerland, but as the interest continued to grow, Ronald increased the scope of operations to include many other countries, including Spain, New Zealand, Germany, and others.
Ronald has the help of Isabella Aubel (office manager) and two other employees that help with the day-to-day office tasks. At the present time, the work processes are entirely manual for this organization. With the recent growth in the business, it has become quite challenging for the current workforce to manage all of this manually. Everything is rather disorganized, with many mistakes being made with the recording of important information regarding students and their scheduled classes and locations, for example. Such errors are adding to the existing inefficiencies, thereby creating a work. environment that is stressful and hectic. Even more importantly, customer needs are not being met and customer satisfaction is at an all-time low. It is, therefore, necessary to implement a database solution at the present time. It is important to note that while Ronald intends to eventually automate all business processes, including payroll and accounts payable, the more immediate concern is to make certain that efficiencies in data storage are improved. The database solution should include a user-friendly interface that allows for entry, modification, and deletion of data pertaining to students, teachers, and classes, for example. Additionally, the database solution should be designed to ensure consistency of data entry (formatting) and should include enhanced reporting capabilities. Such functionalities should be considered in order to resolve the problems the company is currently experiencing. The total amount available to fund this project is $65,000. It may be possible to expand this budget, if necessary, but the company is hoping that the project can be completed with the specified amount. The company currently has only two computers, both with the Windows 7 operating system and Microsoft Office Professional 2010 installed. The machine is currently being used for electronic mail communications and simple word processing and spreadsheet tasks. It will be necessary to purchase two additional machines for this office, as Ronald would like all of his employees to have access to the new database management system. Ronald is hoping that this database solution will be instrumental in improving customer relations and employee morale, as both are critical to the continued success and growth of his business. With an automated work process, Ronald knows that efficiencies within the organization will be dramatically improved.
Cultural Learning Experiences, Inc. is essentially the middleman between faculty and students & international opportunities to teach and learn. CLE organises educational trips/programmes for college students (to take) and college professors (to teach/lead) in the USA and across the world.
You have been hired to provide them a mean to keep track of the classes offered in destinations around the world, all of the students who sign up for a particular class, the professors who are teaching specific courses, etc. You have several goals that you want to accomplish with this database. First, you will need to keep track of all the

students –their studentID number, address, telephone number, e-mail address, etc. You will need to keep track of faculty members and their contact information as well.
As students register for classes and pay their registration fees, the owners of CLE want to be able to record this information directly in their database. An outside accounting firm handles all of the billing processes. CLE simply provides this firm with a physical copy of a report containing the information necessary for billing. (Your team is responsible for designing this report.) All payments are made directly to CLE. Beyond the recording of whether or not the registration fees have been paid, this system should not be concerned with accounting practices. The recording of all billing and payment details will be handled outside of the boundaries of this system. CLE also outsources the marketing function and provides reports on a regular basis to an outside marketing firm that seeks to inform potential faculty participants of the educational trips that are available through CLE and to increase awareness in general. You should design at least one report that would provide useful information to this marketing firm. (You may make assumptions here.)
CLE would like the database to be password protected. Beyond the creation of these reports, Ronald wants you to focus on making data-entry as easy and efficient as possible for her staff while simultaneously ensuring accuracy of the entries. An organised database, focusing on data-entry and reporting, is essential. (Your team will need to explore various options within Access that will allow for this).


Expert Solution

1.problem statement:

a.Traditional Data Storage Vs Database .

b. File system data querying Vs Database Application


a.Data redundancy :same data may have to be recorded and stored many times.

b.Data inconsistency:same data items that appear in more than one file do not get updated simultaneously in each and every file.

c.retrieval is not easy

d.Inefficient to maintain the record of the big firm having a large number of items


f.The problem with security.

g.Required Lots of labor work to do.

h.Limited data sharing.

i.Data mismatch due to typing.

3.Objectives:Find solution for the issues given above

a.Data redundancy can be avoided by creating database tables and making each record unique.Here we create database tables.set primary key and foreifn key for unique data.

  1. Student(id,name,address,contact no,email,courseid,place,university,payment,Approval,date of travel,confirmation)
  2. Faculty(id,name,address,contact no,university,place,payment,approval,date of travel)
  3. Course(id,name,stream,specialisation,university,place,contact no,email)
  4. Employee(id,payid,name,address,contact no,email,palce,places,emptype)
  5. payroll(id,date,empid,noofdays,payment)

b.Data inconsistency:can be avoided by setting primary key and foreign key .If we change a particular record it will reflect all the pages that data should display.

c.Data retrieval is fast by applying indexing to the tables.

d.It consumes less memory to keep each record compared to that of the file system.

e.Entering data to the db and retrieval needs only parts of milliseconds.

f.Security can be achieved through authentication and authorisation by login forms and set Rights for users.

g.Employees can manage more data with less amount of time by index searching and Storage using primary key etc.

h.Data can be retrieved from db.authorised users can see whatever in the db.

i.Here each user can directly enter their data.before Submitting they can recheck information that they are given is proper.

4.Requirements:Need a frontend and backend software.Payment is controlled by a third party.If a student paid the amount they can send mail to the company and the staff who take charge is updated the students payment record. For reducing workload, each staff should handle particular location.they can manage each user's travel payment no confusion occurs. Advertising agents can take the location details from their companies database i.e. location tables can make nonsensical tables so security issues can be solved by this.

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