
In: Chemistry

4. A pharmaceutical company plans to use a liquid-liquid extraction to purify a drug that is...

4. A pharmaceutical company plans to use a liquid-liquid extraction to purify a drug that is a weak monoprotic base. The chemical has a pKb = 9.52 at 25oC. The KD for the neutral form of this chemical is 210 when using water and chloroform at 25oC.

a. What fraction of this drug will be extracted from a 15.0 mL aqueous sample into 10.0 mL of chloroform at pH = 9.00 and 25oC?

b. What fraction of this drug will be back extracted at 25oC from the 10.0 mL of chloroform and into a fresh 50.0 mL portion of water that is buffered at pH = 2.00?

c. What overall fraction of the drug will be isolated from the original sample and placed into the final 50.0 mL portion of water under these conditions?


Expert Solution

liquid liquid extraction of weak base B is governed by following equilibria:

Baq Borg KD = 210

Baq + H2O HB+ + OH- pKb = 9.52 ,   pKb = -log Kb , therefore Kb = 10-9.5 = 3.16 * 10-10

Distribution coeficient = KD = [Borg ] \ [Baq]

Distribution ratio i.e D =  [Borg ] total\ [Baq] total =  [Borg ] \ [Baq] + [ HB+]

Kb =  [HB+] [ OH-] \  [Baq ]

therefore D =  [Borg ] \{ [Baq] + { Kb *  [Baq ] \  [ OH-] } }

=  [Borg ] \ [Baq] { 1+ { Kb \  [ OH-] } }

= KD \  { 1+ { Kb \  [ OH-] } }

D = { KD *  [ OH-] } \  { [ OH-] + Kb }

a. at pH = 9 [ OH-] = 1* 10-5 M

  KD = 210 , Kb = 3.16 * 10-10 ( given)

D = { KD *  [ OH-] } \  {  [ OH-] + Kb }

D = 210* 1* 10-5 \ {1* 10-5 + 3.16 * 10-10 }

D = 209.99 (approx 210)

by formula , fraction of drug extracted in aqueous phase where Vaq =15 mL, Vorg = 10 mL

qaq at pH = 9 = Vaq \ {D Vorg + Vaq }  = 15\ { 210 *10 + 15} = 0.0071

thus, fraction of B remaining in organic phase qorg = 1-0.0071 = 0.9929

b. At pH = 2.00

[ OH-] = 1* 10-12M

  KD = 210 ,  Kb = 3.16 * 10-10 ( given)

D = { KD *  [ OH-] } \  {  [ OH-] + Kb }

D = 210* 1* 10-12 \ {1* 10-12 + 3.16 * 10-10 }

D = 0.66

by formula , fraction of drug extracted in aqueous phase where Vaq =50 mL, Vorg = 10 mL

qaq at pH = 2 =  Vaq \ {D  Vorg + Vaq }  = 50\ { 210 *10 + 50} = 0.023

therefore fraction of drug remaining in chloroform chloroform i.e qorg at pH=2 = 1- 0.023= 0.977


overall fraction of the drug will be isolated from the original sample and placed into the final 50.0 mL portion of water under these conditions = fraction of drug remaining in organic phase at pH=9 * fraction of drug remaining after second extraction at pH=2 in aqueous phase

=qorg at pH=9 * qaq at pH =2

=0.9929 *0.023


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