
In: Economics

Household purchases of durable goods $1,108 Household purchases of nondurable goods $702 Household purchases of non-education...

Household purchases of durable goods


Household purchases of nondurable goods


Household purchases of non-education services


Household purchases of education services


Household purchases of new housing


Purchases of capital equipment


Inventory changes


Purchases of new structures




Local government spending on goods and services


State government spending on goods and services


Federal government spending on goods and services


Transfer payments


Foreign purchases of domestically produced goods


Domestic purchases of foreign goods


Please show which are which above

5.   Refer to the above table and answer the following questions:

      Consumption expenditure is $________

      Investment expenditure is $________

      Government purchases of goods and services is $__________

      Net exports is $_____________

      GDP is $_________________


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  Durable goods                                      &n
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