
In: Computer Science

write a program including the pseudocode write a progrqm that outputs a grade based on user...

write a program including the pseudocode write a progrqm that outputs a grade based on user input. an example if the user enters an 80 the program will output the grade is B.
grading scale:


Expert Solution

source code:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
int n;
printf("Enter Score : ");
if(n>=90 && n<=100)
printf("%d - A",n);
else if(n>=80 && n<=89)
printf("%d - B",n);
else if(n>=70 && n<=79)
printf("%d - C",n);
else if(n>=65 && n<=69)
printf("%d - D",n);
else if(n>=0 && n<=64)
printf("%d - F",n);
printf("invalid number");
return 0;

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