
In: Computer Science

Facial geometry Fingerprint Hand and palm print Hand geometry Iris recognition Retinal recognition Signature recognition Voice...

  1. Facial geometry
  2. Fingerprint
  3. Hand and palm print
  4. Hand geometry
  5. Iris recognition
  6. Retinal recognition
  7. Signature recognition
  8. Voice recognition

For each of the above, locate a vendor that provides a product designed to examine that feature. Provide the name of the vendor, the name of the product, the URL, and the Cross-over Error Rate (CER) associated with the product if you can find it. If you cannot find some of the requested information, please indicate that. Of those in the list, which do you believe is more acceptable to users and why? Which would be preferred by security administrators and why? What happens if they are not the same?


Expert Solution

1.(For large number of users)
All of the above are biometric authentication devices.
and all the devices require that the finger print, voice sample and other human characteristics should be stored in an organization's data base.
most of the employees are reluctant to provide these confidential data, as they may think about the misuse of this data(finger print etc.).

but if biometric authentication is mandatory, they(Employee/user) will prefer finger print, because
a)it is less time taking authentication process.
b)it is less unhygienic.
c)there are 10 fingers, it means in case of any accident they can use some other finger.

if think about other characteristics such as retina/Iris(most important organ).
users will avoid to use their retina or Iris for authentication process.

that's why Fingerprint is the most acceptable among users.

Fingerprint will be preferred by security administrators.
because, Their objective is to reduce false rejection rate(FRR).
FRR means security system failing to verify/identify the authorized user.

Finger print is the best choice , because it identifies the authorized user very easily and fast.

consider the voice recognition.
user's voice pitch may be change due to cold or fatigue.
consider the retina/Iris .
users may have some eye infections.

Finger print can reduce false rejection.

Finger print will be preferred by security administrators.


if they are not same, it means there is a gap between management and users.
then it is the responsibility of security administrator to convince the user
about the
a)confidentiality/secrecy of user's data.
b) Hygiene.
and so on to find the mid way to make them(users) ready for the authentication as per the requirement of security administrators.

2.(for limited number of users)
If there are very limited number of users and the object requires very tight security. then retina/Iris/voice should be used to authenticate the user.
because in this case false rejection is less important and security is more important.

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