In: Operations Management
The Juran Institute suggests 10 important considerations for data collection. What are these 10 important considerations for data collection suggested by the Juran institute?
Data collection is one of the most important aspects when applying six sigma to a process improvement project. As per Juran institute the 10 important considerations while collecting data are:
1). Formulating good questions that relate to the specific needs
of the project.
2). Use of appropriate data analysis tools and be certain the
appropriate data is being collected.
3). Defining comprehensive data collection points so that there is
minimum interruption to job flows.
4). Selection of unbiased collectors who have the easiest and
immediate access to relevant facts for the project.
5). Understanding the environment and making sure that data
collectors have proper experience.
6). Designing simple data collection forms
7). Preparation of instructions for collecting the data
8). Testing both data collection forms and instructions and make
sure that they are filled out properly.
9). Training the data collectors about the purpose of the study,
what the data would be used for, how to fill the forms and how
important it is to remain unbiased.
10). Auditing the data collection process and validating the