
In: Operations Management

In many respects, the Netflix HR strategy seems like a dream come true for small businesses....

In many respects, the Netflix HR strategy seems like a dream come true for small businesses. You don’t need a pay plan; instead, you just update each person’s pay every few months based on market surveys. You offer no training and development. And you don’t track vacation time, more or less. If someone’s not doing well, you just pay him or her to leave, with no hassles. Netflix seems to have hit upon its own version of “Netflix High-Performance Work Practices.” Given that, answer the following questions (please be specific).

18-9.    What (if anything) is it about Netflix that makes its HR practices work for it?

18-10. Would you suggest using similar practices in other businesses, such as, say, a new restaurant? Why?

18-11. List the criteria you would use for deciding whether another company is right for Netflix-type HR practices.

18-12. What argument would you make in response to the following: “Netflix just lucked out; they would have done even better with conventional HR practices?”


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Netflix is one the of fruitful association in US to work with. HR Practices in Netflix are acknowledged as a result of the accompanying reasons:

It adheres to the Standard convention for the representatives and welcome the capable individuals.

The Reward arrangement of the Netflix is incredibly acceptable and acknowledged

They don't have preparing arrangement. They contract experienced applicants as it were.

Netflix has best execution evaluations. What's more, exceptionally performing and meriting applicants will get best motivating forces.

Representatives are given possibility and chance to fix their slip-ups

They are likewise allowed the chance to pick their own profession at Netflix.

The entirety of the above reasons are a portion of the reasons why HR practices work for Netflix.


Yes, similar practices can be utilized in restaurant too. A restaurant which needs a gourmet expert, enlists an accomplished cook. Much the same as in Netflix, there won't be any preparation that will be given, rather the standard working methodology of the restaurant are told. In the event that the clients are happy with the nourishment they eat, they would give positive comments and would return normally.

This will expand the prominence of the restaurant and the culinary expert. Henceforth, culinary expert will be compensated dependent on his high level of execution. Or on the other hand the barrer would be compensated by the client.

Also, ultimately, representatives in the restaurant are given adequate of chances to fix their errors as well. Along these lines, as I would see it, similar strategic approaches can be utilized in restaurant too.


Some of the criteria that would be utilized in choosing whether another organization is directly for Netflix-type HR practices are -

The organization ought to be Mid to Large measure organization with number of verticals in it

The organization ought to be entrenched organization

Organization should offer prominance to Innovation

Organization should stand apart from the opposition and ought to be in a situation to manage the cost of it


I would contend that the HR practices that Netflix had set up is in certainty the primary explanation and fundamental driver in taken the organization to the following level.

Netflix pulls in and keeps high ability makers whose center is to go well beyond for the organization since they see the advantages that tag along and they realize that Netflix doesn't underestimate their endeavors.

As a general rule I don't believe there's a real method to make sense of in the event that they would of improved in the event that they had done conventional HR practices except if these are set up and an examination is led to think about the distinction would be.

This be that as it may, would be a high hazard for Netflix since they are and keep on doing well overall.

please like the answer......

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