
In: Psychology

Read John Stuart Mill's paper on Utilitarianism. Read carefully regarding evaluating Utilitarianism according to the three...

Read John Stuart Mill's paper on Utilitarianism. Read carefully regarding evaluating Utilitarianism according to the three criteria of adequacy. Using your own words, please evaluate Utilitarianism. Is Utilitarianism a good moral theory or not? Explain why or why not. Use the criteria of adequacy, including any original ideas you may have about Utilitarianism. If you agree with the analysis, then you can use those ideas, but explain things in your own words. Use your own examples. If you don't agree with parts of the analysis, make sure you explain why you disagree.

3 paragraphs, 1 idear per paragraph.


Expert Solution

The utilitarianism is a kind of ideology in which all action enables with happiness of individual. John Stuart Mill, described the philosophical thought that belongs to the use and utilization of any action is important. An action is right if it tends to promote happiness, and wrong if it tends to produce the reverse of happiness.

Utilitarianism is an effort to provide an answer to the practical question, “What ought a man to do?” the answer is that he ought to act so as to produce best consequences.

Utilitarianism is a theory that support individual differences as well as individual needs. According to this theory we think about individual happiness rather than social happiness.

In my opinion, utilitarianism is good theory in the context of individual happiness, but we are social being so that we need to create balance between individual needs and social needs.

Utilitarianism is a good theory, I think it helps us to experience human connections to their need but if we think about social norms, it is not a good theory because in the society we need to compromise with many aspects that seems to be true for individual.   


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