
In: Finance

describe the history of the forex, its participants and factors that influence exchange rates

describe the history of the forex, its participants and factors that influence exchange rates


Expert Solution

History of Forex is as follows:

  • Initially in 6000 BC Barter System was used ,
  • Then in 6 Century BC Gold was used as a currency ,during this period Gold and silver was used for settling international payments,
  • However , as Gold was heavy to be used as a currency , in 1800 Gold Standard was introduced and Government was liable to exchange any amount of paper money for Gold,
  • From 1875 Gold Standard Monetary system was introduced,
  • However, in the wake of World War I & II , this Standard could not be sustained as Government was required to print more notes,
  • These events lead to introduction of Bretton Woods System,
  • Followed by free Floating System in 1971 and Internet Trading in 1996,
  • Presently 5.1 Trillion $ Foreign Exchange is traded on daily basis.

Participants in Forex Market are :

  • Central banks
  • Commercial Banks
  • Foreign Exchange Brokers
  • Multinational Companies
  • Individuals and Small Businesses

Various Factors affecting Exchange Rates are as follows :

  • Inflation Rate

Lower inflation Rate appreciates the currency and vice-versa

  • Interest Rate

Increase in Interest rates appreciates the currency as it offers higher return to investors/lenders, leading to inflow of foreign capital.

  • Country’s Current and Balance of Payments
  • Terms of Trade
  • Government Debt
  • Speculation
  • Recession
  • Political Performance and Stability

Positive impact on these fronts appreciates the Currency and Negative impact depreciates the currency.

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