
In: Operations Management

Knowledge can be thought of as the combined result of a person’s experiences and the information...

Knowledge can be thought of as the combined result of a person’s experiences and the information they processes

discuss the benefits and the types of applications relating to knowledge management

list and provide a brief description of knowledge management applications


Expert Solution

The benefits of application related knowledge management are:-
1)Avoiding making the same mistakes twice: Knowledge management allows us to share lessons learned, not only about successes, but also about failures. Which will let us not repeating same mistakes.
2) Knowledge management helps in defining the problem that you are trying to solve.
3)It helps in improving an organization's efficiency and storing knowledge within the company.
4) Knowledge management fasten the decision making process because required knowledge is stored with the company which can be used at the time of need.
5) It makes finding relevant information easy:If it is easy and fast to find what you need when you need it, you can perform all of these tasks efficiently.

The types of application related to knowledge management are:
1) Explicit knowledge : is knowledge that has been articulated, codified, and stored in certain media, it can be readily transmitted to others. The information contained in encyclopaedia and textbooks are good examples of explicit knowledge.
It is formal in nature
Easy to document, transfer and reproduce
Examples: Online tutorials; policy and procedure manuals.

2) Tacit Knowledge is personal.. it is stored in the heads of people. It is accumulated through study and experiences. Tacit knowledge grow through the practice of trial and error the experience of success and failure.
Personal and context-specific
Difficult to document and communicate
Examples: Hands-on-skills; Special know-how; Employee experiences.
Embedded knowledge and additional to tacit knowledge

3) Embedded knowledge refers to the knowledge that is locked in processes, products, culture, routines, artifacts, or structures. Knowledge Embedded either formally, search through a management incentive to formula is a certain beneficial routine, or formally as the the organisation uses and applies the other two knowledge type.

(Above types are based on my thinking. Types of application knowledge management can be answered as
1) Intranet-Based Systems
2) Electronic Document Management (EDM)
3) Groupware
4) Knowledge map system
5) Innovation support tool
6) Competitive intelligence tool)

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