In: Statistics and Probability
A professor of Education is interested in the relationship between students' visits to office hours held by professors (online or in person) and students' final grades in the course. She has obtained voluminous data from Hardnocks University regarding these two variables. These data are cross-tabulated below.
Visits during Office Hours | |||
Grade | None | One or Two | Three or More |
C or worse | 527 | 520 | 418 |
B | 527 | 526 | 465 |
A | 480 | 480 | 500 |
Total | 1534 | 1526 | 1383 |
She hypothesizes that the more visits made by a student to office hours, the higher the likely grade.
1. Percentage the table. Based on this data, is there support for the hypothesis ?
2. Now calculate the chi-square. Does this change your mind ? (Remember the distinction between practical and statistical significance; as a public manager, do you think attending office hours is a smart strategy for improving grades, based on this data alone?)
((A1)*(B1))/N | ((A2)*(B1))/N | ((A3)*(B1))/N |
((A1)*(B2))/N | ((A2)*(B2))/N | ((A3)*(B2))/N |
((A1)*(B3))/N | ((A2)*(B3))/N | ((A3)*(B3))/N |
(1534X1465)/4443 | (1526X1465)/4443 | (1383X1465)/4443 |
(1534X1465)/4443 | (1526X1465)/4443 | (1383X1465)/4443 |
(1534X1465)/4443 | (1526X1465)/4443 | (1383X1465)/4443 |
If ,
we accept H0 at 5 % Level of Significant
, we reject H0 at 5 %
Level of Significant
a | b | c | TOTAL | |
C OR WORSE | 527 | 520 | 418 | 1465 |
B | 527 | 526 | 465 | 1518 |
A | 480 | 480 | 500 | 1460 |
TOTAL | 1534 | 1526 | 1383 | 4443 |
505.8091 | 503.1713 | 456.0195814 | 1465 | |
524.108 | 521.3747 | 472.5172181 | 1518 | |
504.0828 | 501.454 | 454.4632005 | 1460 | |
1534 | 1526 | 1383 | 4443 | |
Oi | ei | (Oi - ei) | (Oi - ei) sqr | (Oi - ei)sqr/ei |
527 | 505.8091 | 21.1909 | 449.0526 | 0.8878 |
527 | 524.1080 | 2.8920 | 8.3635 | 0.0160 |
480 | 504.0828 | -24.0828 | 579.9826 | 1.1506 |
520 | 503.1713 | 16.8287 | 283.2058 | 0.5628 |
526 | 521.3747 | 4.6253 | 21.3930 | 0.0410 |
480 | 501.4540 | -21.4540 | 460.2729 | 0.9179 |
418 | 456.0196 | -38.0196 | 1445.4886 | 3.1698 |
465 | 472.5172 | -7.5172 | 56.5086 | 0.1196 |
500 | 454.4632 | 45.5368 | 2073.6001 | 4.5627 |
11.4282 |
After Calculation
; so we Reject H0 at 5% Level of Significant.
We Conclude that the more visits made by a student to office hours, is not the higher the likely grade.
Therefore As per statistical significance; as a public manager, i hink attending office hours is not a smart strategy for improving grades, based on this data.
NOTE: I extracted this value from the Chi-Square tabulated value Which i posted below.