
In: Computer Science

Using Python:     "We have a list of strings: \n",     "```python\n",     "CharList = ['a',...

Using Python:
    "We have a list of strings: \n",
    "CharList = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']\n",
    "Now, we write a program to delete some elements from the list. <br> \n",
    "The indexes of the elements to be deleted are stored in IndexList <br>\n",
    "```Scenario-1```: IndexList = [3, 0]\n",
    "CharList = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']\n",
    "IndexList = [3, 0]\n",
    "for n in range(0, len(IndexList)):    \n",
    "    index=IndexList[n]\n",
    "    print(index)\n",
    "    print(CharList[index])\n",
    "    del CharList[index]\n",
    "The code under Scenario-1 works well: 'a' and 'd' are deleted <br>\n",
    "```Scenario-2```: IndexList = [0, 3]\n",
    "CharList = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']\n",
    "IndexList = [0, 3]\n",
    "for n in range(0, len(IndexList)):    \n",
    "    index=IndexList[n]\n",
    "    print(index)\n",
    "    print(CharList[index])\n",
    "    del CharList[index]\n",
    "The code under Scenario-2 does not work: You will see \"IndexError: list index out of range\" <br>\n",
    "Write a function in which the elements can be deleted from the list <br>\n",
    "It must be a general solution. <br>\n",
    "CharList contains strings, not other stuff <br>\n",
    "IndexList contains integers, not other stuff <br>\n",
    "def Answer18(CharList, IndexList)\n",
    "    # parameters:\n",
    "    #     CharList is a list of strings\n",
    "    #     IndexList is a list of integers, and it can be [2, 3, 1], [1, 3, 2], etc\n",
    "    # return: None\n",
    "    # If the index of an element of CharList is in IndexList, \n",
    "    # then the element will be deleted from CharList.\n",


Expert Solution

"""The idea behind the code is that, after every deletion from the CharList, list size decreases by one.
To overcome the problem of indices always remain in the range, we have to subtract 1 from all the indices which are greater than
current index, so that the indices never get out of the range."""
def Answer18(CharList, IndexList):          #function definition
    for n in range(0, len(IndexList)):      #looping through index list
        print(index)            #printing index
        print(CharList[index])          #printing character to be deleted
        del CharList[index]             #deleting character

        '''here we subtract 1 from each index greater than current index'''
        for i in range(0, len(IndexList)):      #looping through index list
            if index < IndexList[i]:            #checking if current index is smaller than index in the list
                IndexList[i] = IndexList[i] - 1             #subtracting 1
    return CharList         #returning the remaining character list

CharList = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']         #sample testcase
IndexList = [0, 3]
print('Character List after deletion: ', Answer18(CharList, IndexList))

Screenshot of code:

Screenshot of output:

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