
In: Computer Science

Writing a Modular Program in Python In this lab, you add the input and output statements...

Writing a Modular Program in Python
In this lab, you add the input and output statements to a partially completed Python program. When completed, the user should be able to enter a year, a month, and a day. The program then determines if the date is valid. Valid years are those that are greater than 0, valid months include the values 1 through 12, and valid days include the values 1 through 31.


  1. Notice that variables have been declared for you.
  2. Write input statements to retrieve a year, a month, and a day from the user.
  3. Include the print statements to output the following:
    month/day/year is a valid date.
    month/day/year is an invalid date. 
  4. Execute the program entering the following input:
    month = 5, day = 32 year = 2014
  5. Execute the program entering the following input:
    month = 9 day = 21 year = 2002


Expert Solution

Python 3 code


year=int(input('Enter year: '))
month=int(input('Enter month: '))
day=int(input('Enter day: '))


elif(month<1 or month>12):
elif(day<1 or day>31):

if f==1:
print(month,'/',day,'/',year,' is a valid date.')
print(month,'/',day,'/',year,' is an invalid date.')



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