
In: Computer Science

please , im sorting by name, address, dependent and hours. i got a lot of errors...

please , im sorting by name, address, dependent and hours. i got a lot of errors i need help please. Thanks

package application;




import java.util.*;

class Emprec {

String name;

String address;

double hours;

double rate;

int dependents;

char gender;

boolean degree;

// This is the classes's constructor !!!!

Emprec(String name, String address, String hours,String dependents) {

try { = name;

this.address = address;

this.hours = Double.valueOf(hours).doubleValue();

this.dependents = Integer.parseInt(dependents);

} catch (NumberFormatException errmsg) {

System.out.println("Invalid format" + errmsg); = "";

this.hours = 0.0;

}// catch

}// Emprec constructor !!!!

double calc_fed_tax(double hours, double rate) {

double yearly_income;

yearly_income = hours * rate * 52;

if (yearly_income < 30000.00)

return (hours * rate * .28);

else if (yearly_income < 50000.00)

return (hours * rate * .32);


return (hours * rate * .38);

}// calc_fed_tax

double calc_state_tax(double hours, double rate) {

double state_tax;

state_tax = hours * rate * .0561;

return (state_tax);

}// calc_state_tax

public void setName(String name) { = name;


public String getName() {

return name;


public String getAddress() {

return address;


public double getHours() {

return hours;


public int getDependents() {

return dependents;



public double getRate(){

return rate;



public char getGender(){

return gender;


public String toString() {

return ("\n Name: " + name +

"\n Address: " + address +

"\n Hours: " + hours+

"\n Dependents " + dependents);

}// toString

}// Emprec

public abstract class CompDemo3Sorts_Improved {

public abstract void main(String args[]);{

Scanner sc=new Scanner(;

System.out.println("Enter the fields to sort by");



String str[]=name.split(" ");

List<String> slist= new ArrayList<String>();






String str1[]=address.split(" ");

List<String> slist1= new ArrayList<String>();






String str2[]=hours.split(" ");

List<String> slist2= new ArrayList<String>();






String str[]3=dependent.split(" ");

List<String> slist3= new ArrayList<String>();







Expert Solution

// Modified working code

package application;
import java.util.*;

public abstract class Main {

public static void main(String args[]){

Scanner sc=new Scanner(;

System.out.println("Enter the fields to sort by");


 System.out.println("Enter name");  // when the desired sorting is selected . The list of it is taken input .
 String name=sc.nextLine();
String str[]=name.split(" ");

List<String> slist= new ArrayList<String>();


Collections.sort(slist);                     // used  Collection class for sorting
for(int i=0;i<slist.size();i++)
        System.out.println(slist.get(i));   //Printing of sorted list

        System.out.println("Enter address");
        String address=sc.nextLine();

String str1[]=address.split(" ");

List<String> slist1= new ArrayList<String>();


for(int i=0;i<slist1.size();i++)


        System.out.println("Enter hours");
        String hours=sc.nextLine();
String str2[]=hours.split(" ");

List<String> slist2= new ArrayList<String>();


for(int i=0;i<slist2.size();i++)


        System.out.println("Enter dependent");
        String dependent=sc.nextLine();

String str3[]=dependent.split(" ");

List<String> slist3= new ArrayList<String>();


for(int i=0;i<slist3.size();i++)




package application;

class Emprec {

String name;

String address;

double hours;

double rate;

int dependents;

char gender;

boolean degree;

// This is the classes's constructor !!!!

Emprec(String name, String address, String hours,String dependents) {

try { = name;

this.address = address;

this.hours = Double.valueOf(hours).doubleValue();

this.dependents = Integer.parseInt(dependents);

} catch (NumberFormatException errmsg) {

System.out.println("Invalid format" + errmsg); = "";

this.hours = 0.0;

}// catch

}// Emprec constructor !!!!

double calc_fed_tax(double hours, double rate) {

double yearly_income;

yearly_income = hours * rate * 52;

if (yearly_income < 30000.00)

return (hours * rate * .28);

else if (yearly_income < 50000.00)

return (hours * rate * .32);


return (hours * rate * .38);

}// calc_fed_tax

double calc_state_tax(double hours, double rate) {

double state_tax;

state_tax = hours * rate * .0561;

return (state_tax);

}// calc_state_tax

public void setName(String name) { = name;


public String getName() {

return name;


public String getAddress() {

return address;


public double getHours() {

return hours;


public int getDependents() {

return dependents;



public double getRate(){

return rate;



public char getGender(){

return gender;


public String toString() {

return ("\n Name: " + name +

"\n Address: " + address +

"\n Hours: " + hours+

"\n Dependents " + dependents);

}// toString

}// Emprec

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