
In: Computer Science import java.util.Stack; import java.util.Scanner; /** * Represents an integer evaluator of postfix expressions. Assumes *...

import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.Scanner;

* Represents an integer evaluator of postfix expressions. Assumes
* the operands are constants.
* @author Java Foundations
* @version 4.0
public class PostfixEvaluator
   private final static char ADD = '+';
   private final static char SUBTRACT = '-';
   private final static char MULTIPLY = '*';
   private final static char DIVIDE = '/';

   private Stack stack;

   * Sets up this evaluator by creating a new stack.
   public PostfixEvaluator()
       // complete this method

   * Evaluates the specified postfix expression. If an operand is
   * encountered, it is pushed onto the stack. If an operator is
   * encountered, two operands are popped, the operation is
   * evaluated, and the result is pushed onto the stack.
   * @param expr string representation of a postfix expression
   * @return value of the given expression
   public int evaluate(String expr)
// Step 3- complete this method

   * Determines if the specified token is an operator.
   * @param token the token to be evaluated
   * @return true if token is operator
   private boolean isOperator(String token)
       // Step 1 - complete this method

   * Performs integer evaluation on a single expression consisting of
   * the specified operator and operands.
   * @param operation operation to be performed
   * @param op1 the first operand
   * @param op2 the second operand
   * @return value of the expression
   private int evaluateSingleOperator(char operation, int op1, int op2)
// Step 2 - complete this method

import java.util.Scanner;

* Demonstrates the use of a stack to evaluate postfix expressions.
* @author Java Foundations
* @version 4.0
public class PostfixTester
   * Reads and evaluates multiple postfix expressions.
   public static void main(String[] args)
       String expression, again;
       int result;

       Scanner in = new Scanner(;

           PostfixEvaluator evaluator = new PostfixEvaluator();
           System.out.println("Enter a valid post-fix expression one token " +
                   "at a time with a space between each token (e.g. 5 4 + 3 2 1 - + *)");
           System.out.println("Each token must be an integer or an operator (+,-,*,/)");
           expression = in.nextLine();

           result = evaluator.evaluate(expression);
           System.out.println("That expression equals " + result);

           System.out.print("Evaluate another expression [Y/N]? ");
           again = in.nextLine();
       while (again.equalsIgnoreCase("y"));

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Expert Solution

* Represents an integer evaluator of postfix expressions. Assumes the operands
* are constants.
* @author Java Foundations
* @version 4.0
class PostfixEvaluator {
   private final static char ADD = '+';
   private final static char SUBTRACT = '-';
   private final static char MULTIPLY = '*';
   private final static char DIVIDE = '/';

   private Stack stack;

   * Sets up this evaluator by creating a new stack.
   public PostfixEvaluator() {
       // complete this method

   * Evaluates the specified postfix expression. If an operand is encountered,
   * it is pushed onto the stack. If an operator is encountered, two operands
   * are popped, the operation is evaluated, and the result is pushed onto the
   * stack.
   * @param expr
   * string representation of a postfix expression
   * @return value of the given expression
   public int evaluate(String expr) {
       // create a stack
       Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<>();

       // iterate all characters one by one
       for (int i = 0; i < expr.length(); i++) {
           char c = expr.charAt(i);
           if(c==' ')
           // If the scanned character is an operand (number here),
           // push it to the stack.
           if (isOperator(c + "")) {
               int val1 = stack.pop();
               int val2 = stack.pop();
               stack.push(evaluateSingleOperator(c, val1, val2));
           } else {
               stack.push(c - '0');

       return stack.pop();
       // Step 3- complete this method

   * Determines if the specified token is an operator.
   * @param token
   * the token to be evaluated
   * @return true if token is operator
   private boolean isOperator(String token) {

       boolean res = false;
       switch (token.charAt(0)) {
       case ADD:
       case SUBTRACT:
       case DIVIDE:
       case MULTIPLY:
           res = true;
           res = false;
       return res;
       // Step 1 - complete this method

   * Performs integer evaluation on a single expression consisting of the
   * specified operator and operands.
   * @param operation
   * operation to be performed
   * @param op1
   * the first operand
   * @param op2
   * the second operand
   * @return value of the expression
   private int evaluateSingleOperator(char operation, int val1, int val2) {
       int res = 0;
       switch (operation) {
       case ADD:
           res = (val1 + val2);

       case SUBTRACT:
           res = (val2 - val1);

       case DIVIDE:
           res = (val2 / val1);

       case MULTIPLY:
           res = (val2 * val1);
       // Step 2 - complete this method
       return res;

* Demonstrates the use of a stack to evaluate postfix expressions.
* @author Java Foundations
* @version 4.0
public class PostfixTester {
   * Reads and evaluates multiple postfix expressions.
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       String expression, again;
       int result;

       Scanner in = new Scanner(;

       do {
           PostfixEvaluator evaluator = new PostfixEvaluator();
           System.out.println("Enter a valid post-fix expression one token "
                   + "at a time with a space between each token (e.g. 5 4 + 3 2 1 - + *)");
           System.out.println("Each token must be an integer or an operator (+,-,*,/)");
           expression = in.nextLine();

           result = evaluator.evaluate(expression);
           System.out.println("That expression equals " + result);

           System.out.print("Evaluate another expression [Y/N]? ");
           again = in.nextLine();
       } while (again.equalsIgnoreCase("y"));

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