
In: Computer Science

What is enhanced ER Model? Explain extended ER features: Specialization, Generalization and Aggregation with your clear...

What is enhanced ER Model? Explain extended ER features: Specialization, Generalization and Aggregation with your clear definitions/ideas/differences in your own words and give at least one appropriate example for each one of them.


Expert Solution

Enhanced ER model is basically the extension to the old ER models only. This is helpful for the cases when we are unable to represent with the help of traditional ER models then EER can help.

It can be used for displaying the following.

  1. Sub Class and Super Class
  2. Specialization and Generalization
  3. Union or Category
  4. Aggregation


It is the process in which one entity is subdivided into more than one items and it is dependent on the characteristics of the entities in which it is getting divided.

In this, there is the specialization in which employees can be converted into either Developer or Tester.


It is opposite to specialization, in this more than one entity is combined together to form one single entity.

In this, whether the animal is lion, tiger or element they all are generalized as animals.


It is helpful for letting us know about the relationship between the whole attribute and its components.

In this case, the course and college are collectively acting as they both are together in relation to a student.

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