
In: Computer Science

In this exercise, you will create a program that displays the amount of a cable bill....

In this exercise, you will create a program that displays the amount of a cable bill. The amount is based on the type of customer shown in figure 10-30. For a residential customer, the user will need to enter the number of premium channels only. For a business customer, the user will need to enter the number of connections and the number of premium channels. Use a separate void function for each customer type. Enter your C++ instructions into the source file and any appropriate comments and any additional instructions required by the compiler. Test the program appropriately.

  • Use pass by reference variables in both functions.
  • Allow the user to enter multiple customers.
  • Before ending the program, show the average charge for both Residential Customers and Business Customers.


Residential Customers:

Processing Fee: $4.50

Basic Service Fee: $30

Premium Channels: $5 per channel

Business Customers:

Processing Fee: $16.50

Basic Service Fee: $80 for the first 5 connections, $4 for each additional connection

Premium channels: $50 per channel regardless of the number of connections


Expert Solution

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void residentialCustomer(double &chargeResidential)
   int numChannels;
   cout<<"\nEnter the number of premium channels only : ";
   chargeResidential = 4.5 + 30.0+ 5*numChannels;
void businessCustomer(double &chargeBusiness)
   int numChannels,numConnections;
   cout<<"\nEnter the number of premium channels : ";
   cout<<"\nEnter the number of connections : ";
   if(numConnections <= 5)
   chargeBusiness = 16.50 + 80*numConnections+ 50*numChannels;
   chargeBusiness = 16.50 + 84*numConnections+ 50*numChannels;
int main() {
   char customerType;
   double avgChargeResidential = 0;
   double avgChargeBusiness = 0;
   double chargeResidential = 0;
   double chargeBusiness = 0;
   int countR = 0;
   int countB = 0;
   cout<<"\nEnter the type of customer < R- Residential customer> or < B - Business Customer> < Z - exit>: ";
   if(customerType == 'X')
       case 'R' : residentialCustomer(chargeResidential);
                   cout<<"\nCharges for residential customer : "<<chargeResidential;
                   avgChargeResidential += chargeResidential;
       case 'B' : businessCustomer(chargeBusiness);
                   cout<<"\nCharges for business customer : "<<chargeBusiness;
                   avgChargeBusiness += chargeBusiness;
       default : cout<<"\nInvalid customer type ";
   }while(customerType != 'X');
   cout<<"\nAverage charge for residential customers : "<<avgChargeResidential/countR;
   cout<<"\nAverage charge for business customers : "<<avgChargeBusiness/countB;
   return 0;


Enter the type of customer < R- Residential customer> or < B - Business Customer> < Z - exit>: R 
Enter the number of premium channels only : 100
Charges for residential customer : 534.5
Enter the type of customer < R- Residential customer> or < B - Business Customer> < Z - exit>:  B
Enter the number of premium channels : 122
Enter the number of connections : 6
Charges for business customer : 6620.5
Enter the type of customer < R- Residential customer> or < B - Business Customer> < Z - exit>:  R
Enter the number of premium channels only : 150
Charges for residential customer : 784.5
Enter the type of customer < R- Residential customer> or < B - Business Customer> < Z - exit>:  B
Enter the number of premium channels : 150
Enter the number of connections : 3
Charges for business customer : 7756.5
Enter the type of customer < R- Residential customer> or < B - Business Customer> < Z - exit>: X 
Average charge for residential customers : 659.5
Average charge for business customers : 7188.5

Do ask if any doubt. Please upvote.

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