
In: Operations Management

Mary has worked several positions in a company over 10 years. Mary received several warnings from...

Mary has worked several positions in a company over 10 years. Mary received several warnings from the company during this time, and she filed several grievances with the local union  in return. Mary was suspended in March for missing a day of work. She filed two grievances that day and was fired a week later. Mary filed an unfair labor practice charge with the union, and an arbitration was held pursuant to the collective bargaining agreement between the company and the union. The arbitrator ruled that Mary discharge should be treated as a suspension and she should be allowed to return to work. However, when she back to work in November, she was given a different position from her original position. So, she filed another grievance. When she asked back the manager of why she can not get her old job back, and the manager responded that because she has filed too many grievances. The company keep giving warnings to Mary the next two months. At a meeting, company promised Mary that they would stop giving her warnings if Mary stop file grievances. But at last Mary was fired after 3 months for the reasons of “performed too slowly”. Mary filed another grievance upon her firing that the company improperly discharged her in retaliation for her grievance filings.

Please answer the following two questions in 500 words:
1. What do you think the decision of Labor Affairs if this case went before Labor Affairs.
2. What would you have done if you were the company? What are the lessons learned in this case?
*please answer these two questions in around 500 words


Expert Solution

  1. Labour affairs is an operating unit to protects the right of a labour and ensure that workers are treated fairly.The workers are responsible to share the good values and provide benefits to whole economy.International labour affairs always gives an importance for better working condition and assure their living standards and avoid the exploitation of workers at the working place.Consider these facts the above case violates all the rights of a labour,because an employee/labour can express his or her feelings like grievances or any like that to the management of the company.But here management doesn't consider her feelings and ignore her form the duities,and give various punishments like suspension and displace the job role.This is against the ethics,it is violating the personal rights also,and unwanted firing is here.So This problem has to be solved by labour affairs rule with the help of trade unions.
  2. If I were in the company I might support the mary and with the help of union we can file a case against company.We can rule the company with the support of labour affairs.Because labour affairs give more consideration to human values,This consideration only will help to achieve the goal of the coampany.But company's procedures aginst the ethics.A company is always responsible to take any grievances from the employee and role to solve the problems.But in this case completely ignoring the Grievances,It is not a fair practice.So we can go through mary,Mary need the justice From the side of labour affairs.

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