
In: Computer Science

I haves code on bottom. what do i need to edit? Create a subdirectory called proj1.  For...

I haves code on bottom.
what do i need to edit?

Create a subdirectory called proj1

For this project you need to create at least two files: proj1.cpp, and makefile. Both files should be placed in the proj1 directory.

The file proj1.cpp should contain the main function, int main(). In the main() function, the program should read the input until it reaches the end, counting the number of times each word, number, and character is used. A word is defined as a sequence of letters ('a'..'z' or 'A'..'Z'). Words are case insensitive ("AA", "Aa", "aA", and "aa" are the same). A number is defined as a sequence of digits ('0'..'9'). Note that both words and numbers can be of length of 1, that is, contain one letter or one digit, respectively. Different sequences represent different numbers. For example, number "001" is different from number "1". Words are separated by numbers or other non-letter and non-digit characters. Numbers are separated by words or other non-letter and non-digit characters. Your program should record the number of times each word, number, and character happens (note that characters are case sensitive). The program should then output the ten most used characters (case sensitive), the ten most used numbers, and the ten most used words (case insensitive) as well as the number of times these characters/numbers/words are used. Since words are case insensitive, the program only outputs lower case words. The characters, numbers and words should be outputted in the descending order based on the number of times they are used. When two characters happen in the same number of times, the character with a smaller ASCII value should be considered as being used more frequently. When two words (numbers) happen in the same number of times, the word (number) that occurs earlier in the input should be considered as being used more frequently. 

An example executable code of the program proj1.x is provided to you. In proj1.x, the output related to the display of characters, words, and numbers is aligned in the following manner: the width of the column of the characters, words, and numbers is the length of the longest words and numbers to be displayed, plus five (5). You should make the outputs of your program the same as those of 'proj1.x'. When printing characters, use '\t' for tab and '\n' for newline. All other characters should be outputted normally.

Write a makefile for your project that compiles an executable called proj1.x

You are encouraged to use any C++ STL containers and algorithms. You should also use C++ string class instead of the built-in string type.

Your program must be able to compile and run on linprog.

I have some code. What do I need to do to satisfy the requirements from my code
include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;

int main() {

string s = "aaa";
bool g;
char str[100];
char str1[100];
char str2 [100];
int charCount = 0;
int c[100];
int num[100];
int numCount = 0;
int p = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)

if (isalpha(s[i]))
    str[i] = s[i];
    for(int j = 0; j < s.length();j++)
   // checks to see how many times the char appears
    if(str[i] == s[j])
        c[i] = p;
        p = 0;
    cout << "Alpha: " << str[i] << " and shows " << c[i] << " times" << endl;

else if (isdigit(s[i]))
    str1[i] = s[i];
    cout << "Number: " << str1[i] << endl;

    str2[i] = s[i];
    cout <<"Char: " << str2[i] <<endl;

    return 0;


Expert Solution


The below is the required source code for the given problem in C++



using namespace std;

class getMost{
       //charVect holds the count of each character in each index corresponding with the ascii value
       vector<int> charVect;
       //charCount holds the total number of different ascii values read in
       int charCount;

       //wordVect[0][0] will be the total number of different words, wordVect[i][0] will be the number of instances for each individual word
       //wordVect[i][1->n] will hold each ascii value for the each word.
       vector<vector<unsigned int> > wordVect;
       vector<unsigned int> wordCount;
       vector<unsigned int> wordTemp;
       //numVect is made in the same structure of wordVect
       vector<vector<unsigned int> > numVect;
       vector<unsigned int> numCount;
       vector<unsigned int> numTemp;

       //i is the current ascii value read in
       char i;
       //getMost constructor sets the structure of the vectors as explained above
           charCount = 0;
           wordCount[0] = 0;
           wordVect[0] = wordCount;

           numCount[0] = 0;
           numVect[0] = numCount;
           numTemp[0] = 1;

       //reads in each character, calling a different set of functions dependend on the ascii type
       void parseList(){
               if((i >= 48) && (i <= 57)){

       //fills the charVect with any ascii value and iterates charCount if its the first time seeing i's ascii value
       //calls wordList() if the ascii value is a letter
       void charList(){
           int a = charVect[i];
           if(((i >= 65) && (i <= 90)) || ((i >= 97) && (i <= 122))){

       //fills the wordVect
       void wordList(){
           if((i >= 65) && (i <= 90)){
                i = i+32;
                wordTemp.push_back (i);
               wordTemp.push_back (i);
            if((cin.peek() < 65) || ((cin.peek() > 90) && (cin.peek() < 97)) || (cin.peek() > 122)){
                bool match = false;
                unsigned int matchIndex;
                for(unsigned int a = 1; a < wordVect.size(); a++){
                        for(unsigned int b = 1; b < wordTemp.size(); b++){
                                    match = true;
                                    matchIndex = a;
                                    a = wordVect.size();
                            else if(wordTemp[b]!=wordVect[a][b]){
                                b = wordTemp.size();
                    wordVect.push_back (wordTemp);
                    wordTemp.push_back (1);
                else if(match==true){
                   wordTemp.push_back (1);

       void numList(){
           numTemp.push_back (i);
           if((cin.peek() < 48) || (cin.peek() > 57)){
               bool match = false;
               unsigned int matchIndex;
               for(unsigned int a = 1; a < numVect.size(); a++){
                   if(numVect[a].size() == numTemp.size()){
                       for(unsigned int b = 1; b < numTemp.size(); b++){
                                   match = true;
                                   matchIndex = a;
                                   a = numVect.size();
                           else if(numTemp[b]!=numVect[a][b]){
                               b = numTemp.size();
                   numVect.push_back (numTemp);
                   numTemp.push_back (1);
               else if(match==true){
                   numTemp.push_back (1);

       void printList(){
           unsigned int largest = 1;
           for(unsigned int i = 1; i < wordVect.size(); i++){
               if(wordVect[i].size() > largest){
                   largest = wordVect[i].size();
           for(unsigned int i = 1; i < numVect.size(); i++){
               if(numVect[i].size() > largest){
                   largest = numVect[i].size();
           //print characters
               cout << "Total " << charCount << " different characters, 10 most used characters: " << endl;
               for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
                    int maxValue = i;
                    int maxCount = charVect[i];
                    for(int j = 0; j < 128; j++){
                        if(charVect[j] > maxCount){
                            maxValue = j;
                            maxCount = charVect[j];
                       cout << "No. " << i << ": \\n";
                       for(unsigned int i = 0; i < largest-2; i++){
                           cout << " ";
                       cout << maxCount << endl;
                   else if(maxValue!=10){
                       cout << "No. " << i << ": " << char(maxValue);
                       for(unsigned int i = 0; i < largest-1; i++){
                           cout << " ";
                       cout << maxCount << endl;
           else if(charCount<10){
                cout << "Total " << charCount << " different characters, " << charCount << " most used characters: " << endl;
                for(int i = 0; i < charCount; i++){
                    int maxValue = i;
                    int maxCount = charVect[i];
                    for(int j = 0; j < 128; j++){
                        if(charVect[j] >= maxCount){
                            maxValue = j;
                            maxCount = charVect[j];
                        cout << "No. " << i << ": \\n";
                        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < largest-2; i++){
                            cout << " ";
                        cout << maxCount << endl;
                    else if(maxValue!=10){
                        cout << "No. " << i << ": " << char(maxValue);
                        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < largest-1; i++){
                            cout << " ";
                        cout << maxCount << endl;
                    cout << "No. " << i << ": " << char(maxValue);
                   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < largest-1){
                       cout << " ";
                   cout << maxCount << endl;
           cout << endl;  

           //print words
                cout << "Total " << wordVect[0][0] << " different words, 10 most used words: " << endl;
                for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
                    unsigned int maxCount = 0;
                    unsigned int maxIndex = 1;
                    for(unsigned int j = 1; j < wordVect.size(); j++){
                        if(wordVect[j][0] > maxCount){
                            maxIndex = j;
                            maxCount = wordVect[j][0];
                   cout << "No. " << i << ": ";
                    for(unsigned int k = 1; k < wordVect[maxIndex].size(); k++){
                        cout << (char)wordVect[maxIndex][k];
                   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < largest-wordVect[maxIndex].size(); i++){
                       cout << " ";
                   cout << maxCount << endl;

           else if(wordVect[0][0]<10){
               cout << "Total " << wordVect[0][0] << " different words, " << wordVect[0][0] << " most used words: " << endl;
               for(unsigned int i = 0; i < wordVect[0][0]; i++){
                   unsigned int maxCount = 0;
                    unsigned int maxIndex = 1;
                    for(unsigned int j = 1; j < wordVect.size(); j++){
                        if(wordVect[j][0] > maxCount){
                            maxIndex = j;
                            maxCount = wordVect[j][0];
                    cout << "No. " << i << ": ";
                    for(unsigned int k = 1; k < wordVect[maxIndex].size(); k++){
                        cout << (char)wordVect[maxIndex][k];
                   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < largest-wordVect[maxIndex].size(); i++){
                       cout << " ";
                   cout << maxCount << endl;

           //print numbers
               cout << "Total " << numVect[0][0] << " different numbers, 10 most used numbers: " << endl;
               for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
                   unsigned int maxCount = 0;
                   unsigned int maxIndex = 1;
                   for(unsigned int j = 1; j < numVect.size(); j++){
                        if(numVect[j][0] > maxCount){
                            maxIndex = j;
                            maxCount = numVect[j][0];
                   cout << "No. " << i << ": ";
                   for(unsigned int k = 1; k < numVect[maxIndex].size(); k++){
                       cout << (char)numVect[maxIndex][k];
                   cout << "\t\t" << maxCount << endl;
           else if(numVect[0][0]<10){
               cout << "Total " << numVect[0][0] << " different numbers, " << numVect[0][0]<< " most used numbers: " << endl;
               for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numVect[0][0]; i++){
                    unsigned int maxCount = 0;
                   unsigned int maxIndex = 1;
                   for(unsigned int j = 1; j < numVect.size(); j++){
                       if(numVect[j][0] > maxCount){
                           maxIndex = j;
                           maxCount = numVect[j][0];
                   cout << "No. " << i << ": ";
                   for(unsigned int k = 1; k < numVect[maxIndex].size(); k++){
                       cout << (char)numVect[maxIndex][k];
                   cout << "\t\t" << maxCount << endl;

int main(){
       getMost test;

   return 0;

If you find any difficulty with the code, please let know know I will try for any modification in the code. Hope this answer will helps you. If you have even any small doubt, please let me know by comments. I am there to help you. Please give Thumbs Up,Thank You!! All the best

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