
In: Computer Science

Copy d_state.h to your working directory and finish its implementation. Write a program: it first declares...

  1. Copy d_state.h to your working directory and finish its implementation.
  2. Write a program:
    • it first declares a set object s having 5 elements of type stateCity with its initial values such as ("Virginia", "Richmond");
    • then perform the search: input the name of a state, and use the find() function to determine where the state in the set. If the object is present, used the << operator to output the sate and the city; if it is not present, output a message to that effect.
    • Then, rather than using objects of type stateCity, you will implement the program by using a map with state name (string) as the key and the city name (string) as the data value.




using namespace std;

// object stores the state name and city in the state
class stateCity
                stateCity (const string& name = "", const string& city = "");

                // output the state and city name in the format
                //    cityName, stateName
                friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& ostr, const stateCity& state;
                // operators < and == must be defined to use with set object.
                // operators use only the stateName as the key
                friend bool operator< (const stateCity& a, const stateCity& b);
                friend bool operator== (const stateCity& a, const stateCity& b);
                string stateName, cityName;


Please write in C++

Sample Output:

Run 1:

Enter a state: Arizona
Phoenix, Arizona

Run 2:

Enter a state: New York
New York is not in the set


Expert Solution

Code in C++ for main.cpp (code to copy)

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include "d_state.h"
using namespace std;

int main(){
        set<stateCity> s = {stateCity ("Virginia", "Richmond"), stateCity ("Arizona", "Phoenix"), stateCity ("New Hampshire", "Warner"), stateCity ("Kansas", "Scottsville"), stateCity ("Texas", "Longview")};
        cout<<"Enter a state: ";
        string state;
        auto it = s.find(stateCity(state));
                cout<<state<<" is not in the set"<<endl;

code in c++ for d_state.h (code to copy)



using namespace std;

// object stores the state name and city in the state
class stateCity
                stateCity (const string& name = "", const string& city = ""){

                // output the state and city name in the format
                //    cityName, stateName
                friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& ostr, const stateCity& state){
                    ostr<<state.cityName<<" "<<state.stateName;
                // operators < and == must be defined to use with set object.
                // operators use only the stateName as the key
                friend bool operator< (const stateCity& a, const stateCity& b){
                    return a.stateName<b.stateName;
                friend bool operator== (const stateCity& a, const stateCity& b){
                    return a.stateName==b.stateName;
                string stateName, cityName;


Code screenshot main.cpp

Code screenshot d_state.h

Sample output screenshot 1

Sample Output screenshot 2

Let me know in the comments if you have any doubts.
Do leave a thumbs up if this was helpful.

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