
In: Computer Science

write in C++ as simple as possible please and thanks don't use header file <bits/stdc++.h> All...

write in C++ as simple as possible please and thanks

don't use header file <bits/stdc++.h>

  1. All programs work with binary numbers which are powers of 2 (2, 4, 8, …).  Write a program that will have a user enter a number (n) less than 10,000. Then have the program put each power of 2 (int) into an array up to and possibly including the number n. This means you don't know at the start how large the array will be, so estimate.  Fill the original arrays with all zeros, and then loop through the array and fill the array with powers of 2 up to the number n.  For example, if the user entered 8 then the array would contain 2, 4, 8. Then have the program print out all the numbers in the array. For example:




      Don't forget to put comments at the top of your code


Expert Solution


//program which prints numbers powers of 2 in a given number
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int n;
//prompts the user for input
cout<<"Enter a number less than 10,000: ";
int arr[20] = { };
cout<<"The array elements are: "<<endl;
//loop to store elements in array
for(int i=1;pow(2,i)<=n;i++)
arr[i] = pow(2,i);
return 0;



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