
In: Biology

Lab Report Introduction What Stress Response will the zebrafish have to change in temperature

Lab Report Introduction
What Stress Response will the zebrafish have to change in temperature


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The zebrafish (Danio rerio) is a major model organism for these use in developmental biology, genetic screening, and genomic studies. More recently, the stress response of larval and adult zebrafish has been documented. High-throughput automated tracking systems make possible behavioral readouts of the stress response in zebrafish.

Parathyroid hormone (pth), parathyroid hormone-related peptide (pthrp) and their receptors are involved in the regulation of calcium homeostasis in all vertebrates. The role of these genes in teleosts during development, that investigated the expression pattern of pth1, pth2, pthrp1, pthrp2, and their receptors pth1r, pth2r, pth3r, and their response to acute salinity and temperature challenge during early development of zebrafish, Danio rerio. The results revealed that pth1, pth2, pthrp1, pthrp2, pth1r, pth2r, pth3r were differentially expressed during early development, and pth1, pthrp1, pth1r, pth2r mRNA were detected from 0 hpf. pth2 and pth3r mRNA were detected after fertilization.

Acute temperature challenge, expression levels of pth receptors were greatly influenced except pth2r which results indicate that the contribution of pth1, pth2, pthrp1, pthrp2, pth1r, pth2r and pth3r genes to the stress response in zebrafish may be stressor-specific during early development

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